Chapter One

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My body melted into a bundle of nerves as I closely watched the monitor. I was a few minutes away from making my WWE debut and I was one wrong breath away from losing my breakfast. The past eight years of my life had been dedicated to this moment right now but I still felt like I wasn't ready. Coming here was starting to feel like a mistake. I'd been too naive to believe I could make it in this business, what did I bring to the table?

"AJ's got Brie locked in the Black Widow! Is Brie Bella going to tap? Is she going to give in?"

I watched Nikki Bella make her way into the ring before swiftly kicking AJ Lee on the side of her head. AJ broke the hold on Nikki's sister and fell to the mat. I was seconds away from being cued on and I had half the mind to run back to the locker room and rethink my life choices.

Drama unfolded in the ring as Nikki pounced on AJ, repeatedly bouncing her head off the mat while adding insult to injury with slaps across the face. Nikki was shouting angrily at her while Brie shook off the pain in her arm from the Black Widow. It wasn't long before the twins were both on the attack and AJ struggled to defend herself. AJ was kicked and thrown across the ring like a rag doll, and she looked more helpless as time went on. She couldn't take them by herself, she needed help.

The man sitting at the curtain drew it back and I took that as my sign to get out there. I tried not to think too much about whether or not I deserved to be there and rushed off down the ramp. Chills ran through my body as the bright lights hit my skin and overwhelmed my vision. Now that I was out there I couldn't turn back. I had to finish it.

I didn't remember the look on people's faces as I rushed down the ramp and into the ring. I went straight for Nikki, turning her to face me before forearming her between the eyes. My presence was enough to distract Brie and allow AJ to break free. AJ scurried out of the way and I greeted Brie Bella with a kick to the stomach followed by a flurry of punches to whatever body parts I had access to.

If the fans were reacting I didn't notice, too caught up with business in the ring. Nikki caught me with a forearm to the back of the neck but I countered with a spinning heel kick that landed square on her jaw. Payback was a bitch. I surveyed the damage before ultimately deciding that I'd done enough. AJ looked on from the corner of the ring, anxiously awaiting my next move. The two of us held each other's gaze until we got the signal from the cameraman that we were off the air for a commercial break.

I'd never done drugs before but after getting backstage and feeling the tingles overriding my system I decided that that's what it felt like. I was never going to have another opportunity to debut in WWE for the first time again, I could only do it once. I was just praying to God that I'd performed well enough to look back on this moment and be proud.

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