15. Relax

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When I was younger, I never imagined that I'd be stuck on a panel with my best friend, ex boyfriend, my ex boyfriend's best friend (who was crazy just like me) and a guy who confessed he had "feelings" for me, whatever that meant. WWE was doing one of those Q and A events where fans could come and ask you any questions they'd like. Seemed easy enough, but not when I'd been considered anti-social my entire life. People were usually something I strayed away which could've fooled a lot of people because I worked for one of the most socially active companies in the world.

Aj was seated to the left of me while to the right was Joe, Colby, and then Jonathan. I probably would've felt more comfortable sitting next to Jonathan, by default, but Joe walked in first. Colby seemed oblivious to it, but I'd been avoiding him as much as possible the past week. Anytime I'd see him at a corner, I'd shoot off in the opposite direction. If he was in catering or the trainers' room, I'd quietly wait in a corner until he made his exit to enter. My plan to never interact with him again was working, until now.

As the Shield music died down, the fans and publicity workers all retook their seats.

"Holy shit," Aj mumbled under her breath, her hand covering her mouth.

I turned and followed Aj's eyesight, immediately wishing I hadn't. Sitting in the back of the room was a middle aged woman with long brown hair and a beautiful, yet somewhat sickening smile. Her brown eyes trickled in the light, the way I remember her eyes sparkling when I was younger. Dare I say she looked happy?

My heart thumped in my chest with so much aggression that it felt like my entire body shook with each beat. I was glad I couldn't see my reflection because there was a good chance I looked like the ghost of Christmas past.

"My mom is here. Why is my mom here?" I asked to myself growing sicker and sicker with each ticking second. She wasn't supposed to be there. I was never supposed to see her again.

If I could have gotten up and ran out of the building, I would have. There was no way in hell my mother was going to get me in trouble with my job. I hated how she made me feel.

"Calm down," Aj slapped me on my stomach under the table where no one could see.

"I'm trying, don't hit me!" I whined, slapping her back, but harder. She hit me again and we went back and forth until Aj got in the last hit because Joe pulled my hand into his.

"Relax," he coached.

"I just can't believe she's here," I whispered.

"I know but don't worry about that right now. Aj's here, I'm here, nothing's going to happen. You have a job to do, so let's get through this first. Ask your questions later."

I nodded my head and let my hand relax into his as he placed our hands on his lap. For a second, I almost pulled away when Colby looked in our direction but I didn't want the sparks that was shooting through my body to stop. Being that close to Joe was a good distraction, a good distraction that I needed.

The organizer of the event, Cody, opened up the floor for questions and almost everyone's hand flew up. I didn't expect to get asked anything, unless it was one of those "you all answer" type of thing. I was sitting with the Shield, the most dominant faction in recent history and Aj Lee was the biggest star in the Divas Division at the moment. She was very loved despite being a heel (which is what WWE called a bad guy.) Crystal Rose was just a rookie, Aj Lee's best friend. I hadn't been in the company long enough to make a name for myself so I doubted that I held any relevance to the fans. To say I was out-shadowed alongside those particular group of wrestlers was an understatement.

Jonathan was the first one to choose someone to ask a question. It was a ten year old Latino who wanted to know who Aj and I's favorite member of the Shield was. His was Seth Rollins which didn't surprise me since all the kids seemed to gravitate towards his high flying style of wrestling.

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