Chapter Three

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"Wait, so you have a sister? What's her name? How old is she?" Trinity asked over the loud music.

"Her name's Luciana and she's seventeen, so she'll be starting college in about a year," I said.

As nervous and unsure as I was, getting called up to the main roster had been perfect timing. If Luciana didn't get a full scholarship from somewhere I'd be able to help pay for college and lower the debt she'd be in when she got out. She was obsessed with being independent but if she knew what was good for her she'd take my money if she needed it.

"Aww, that's so exciting," Trinity smiled. "You two must be close."

"Mmhm, definitely. I miss her so much being on the road."

I was lying through my teeth.

"You're a real bitch ya' know..." I was startled to hear Luciana talk to me like that. She hardly ever cursed, let alone at me.

She approached me with an angry stature, with her hands resting on her hips and her face frowned up. The softness of her doll-like brown eyes were replaced with a piercing, wolf-like glare. I couldn't imagine what she was thinking right now. If I were a random on the street I'd be intimidated.

"A bitch?" I pondered, somewhat amused. It wouldn't be the first time someone called me that.

"I just got off the phone with Mom and you know what she says?"


"That she's not coming home tonight. She says you two had an argument and that if she comes home there's going to be problems... I can't believe you keep pushing her away like this. You can't keep taking my mom away from me."

"Luciana, no one is taking your mom away from you. If she wanted to be here she'd be here. What kind of mother would let her problems with somebody else interfere with seeing her own kid? I've never heard some shit like that before in my life. I'm just her scapegoat. She needs to take some accountability and stop lying to you about everything. This is all on her," I defended myself.

"No, you need to take some accountability. You're so set on making her out to be the bad guy no matter how hard she tries to prove herself. All you two do is fight--"

"'Fight?' You sound just like her, oh my god. What is up with you people thinking that me expressing myself and how I feel is me arguing? Mom always says I'm attacking her but it only feels that way because she doesn't like what I'm saying. And you think I like how things are going right now? Do you think I want to hate her? I don't. But she hasn't been a mother to me in a long time, she hasn't done right by me in years and I can't just sit here and take it. What she's been doing to us is not okay and I'm tired of you acting like it is."

"I have a hard time believing Mom's the problem when you've got a problem with everyone, Maria. You fight with her, you fight with your boyfriend, you fight with Dad. You argue, you kick, you scream, and it's too much, you've been taking things too far. You get mad when you can't have it your way. All you do is cause chaos and make a scene. And when you're done making a mess guess who has to come clean it up? Me. I'm the one who's trying to bring this family back together. I'm the one constantly trying to keep the peace and put the pieces back where they belong, but you just shit all over everything I try to do. The family's been putting up with your drama for years and I am tired of it. None of this is fair to me."

"None of this is my fault. I'm not the alcoholic. I'm not the one who took your father away from you. I'm not the one who leaves us here to fend for ourselves. Why don't you understand that?"

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