35. What Will You Do?

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Tuesday, December 31, 2013

It was New Year's Eve. The precious time of year when families gather together to celebrate the incoming of a new year. People write down their resolutions and save it as a note on their phone, or scribble it onto a sticky note. Others keep their glasses filled with the finest wine and champagne. The kids are looking forward to staying up all night with the adults. People dance around the house and play charades and cards. 

I wanted to experience something fun, but I was put in isolation. Mark didn't feel like I could be trusted around too many people and he didn't want to responsible if something went wrong. He put me in a hotel room and had security standing outside the door and in the parking lot. I wasn't leaving and nobody was gettin in without them knowing. At least I was somewhat safe.

There was a knock at the door and I assumed it was security trying to tell me something. I pulled myself out of bed and crept over to the door. There was a pocket knife in my band of my shorts, just in case. But to my surprise, it was Jonathan standing in the hallway. He was dressed in black jeans, a grey t-shirt and a black leather jacket. Even though he had the night off from work, he looked like he'd just got out of the ring.

I opened the door and security gave me the nod to let him in. He had a piece of paper folded up in his hand.

"Umm... hey," I mumbled.

When he took a seat on the queen sized bed and kicked his shoes off, I knew that he wasn't moving even if I asked him to. I sighed and shut the door, being sure to lock it. Security had an extra key card in case they needed to get in.

Turning my attention back to JG, I looked at him and considered what to say. 

"I came to bring you this, it's from Joe. I've read it, too, just so you know," he said, handing me the paper. 

"What is this? Does he know—"

"He knows." he cut me off. "Now read it."

I must have looked uncertain because he nodded his head at me, silently encourgaging me to go on. Nervously, I unfolded the paper before realizing it was more than one page full of writing. Part of me didn't even want to look at it, but curiosity got the better of me.

So writing this is supposed to be a way for me to get you off my chest. I think it's stupid, but this therapist tells me she knows what she's doing. I don't know where to start so I'll take it back to the beginning. It's possible that I fell for you the first day I met you. Just talking with you while Noah was there was enough to have you stuck in my head for the next few months. But I don't think I let my accept how I was feeling until the night of your quinceanera. Of course the dress and makeup was nice, but things were just different that night. When Damien was disrespecting you, I realized that I wanted you to break up with him and be with me. I felt like you earned better than him. I thought about saying something but what would that have done? We lived in two different states, almost a day's drive apart. I didn't take you for a long distance kind of girl. And even if you did decide we could work things out, I had to remind myself that I wasn't that great of a catch. I was a fighter for the wrong reasons and my attitude could be worse than yours. I told myself we were better as friends and I kept my distance. 

I turned to the next page, anxious to read more.

I didn't keep as much distance as I planned to. I remember we used to talk on the phone and you would help me with homework. I hated doing school work, but I stayed on the call just to talk to you and joke around. I loved how you never let me bullshit you, I don't think I was used to being held accountable like that if it wasn't my dad. And I always felt dumb around you, but I think that's part of why I liked you. When I was young, I thought I knew everything but you showed me that I didn't. You forced me to be more self aware and you helped make me who I am today. When I found out you were coming to Georgia Tech I knew it was over for me. I couldn't pretend like things were strictly platonic on my end anymore. We didn't have all those miles separating us and it was easier to make a move. 

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