37. Tombstone Piledriver

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February 3, 2014

"So you still haven't found out anything about Noah?" Trinity asked me as she hopped up on the steel crate.

"Nothing. His car hasn't moved from the parking lot of the place I used to do physical therapy at. And the white van he was carried off in hasn't been seen past Exit- 31 or something. It's all bullcrap."

"Damn," she muttered, appearing to be just as frustrated as I was. "Are you sure he was the one that attacked you? I mean, if he really did it then why would he have gotten kidnapped? It just doesn't add up."

"Please, it's all just a scheme. He's probably sitting up in Mexico hiding. I just don't think he was kidnapped, it's all too coincidental," I explained to her.

I just found it too odd that he disappeared into thin air as soon he knew I was on to him about what he did to me. Maybe his plan was to stage a kidnap just to cover his ass if, or when, I ever found out the truth. Maybe whoever was in the white van was listening in on all of our conversations, prepared to come rescue him whenever the time was fit. It sounded like something straight out of a movie, I know, but nothing in real life is impossible.

"I hope you get that stuff figured out sis, I really do," she smiled at me and pulled me into a warming side hug.

The two of us sat there for a little while, just talking about life and drama. Somehow we started talking about my return and I was reminded that WrestleMania was only two months away. Getting to wrestle, or even take part at WrestleMania, would have been a dream come true. It's something I had wanted since I was ten years old. It was what the Super Bowl was to football. Everyone clawed and scratched for a spot to call their own on the card. I couldn't miss it, I'd worked too hard for an opportunity so big to slip from my fingertips. I deserved to shine on a stage that big. Fuck what all my doubters had to say.

March 19, 2010

I quietly speed across the dimly lit college dorm and carefully shut the door behind me. All the sneaking around to wrestling practice was getting tiring and old. I couldn't even remember why I was hiding it from Joe or anyone in the first place. Whatever the reason though, I'm sure it was good. Knowing me and all the secrets I kept it probably had something to do with my whole no aggression and no violence image. I hated lying to him, but it's what I had to do. He liked me the way I forced myself to be, and I wasn't risking our love for a chance to be real.

I walked for about twenty minutes into Fulton County, where there wasn't much around me besides trees and grass. The couldn't have been a house within a ten minute walking distance and I hated it. If I were to get killed at World Wrestling Alliance, no one would be able to hear me scream.

I walked into the warehouse and was hit in the face with the smell of sweat, a scent that oddly brought me comfort. It was nice to know that I wasn't the only one busting me butt off here, that people had dreams and goals just like me. It would only make for better competition that was going to push me to my limits.

There were only two girls in the class. Me and this girl named Jessica. I guess once we realized that we were the only two girls, we put pressure on ourselves to be better and successfully hang with the guys. Everyone was looking at us to be the next dropouts but neither one of us were cracking. Being the only two females also made us direct competition. Everyone in the class had their own rival, someone that they worked incredibly hard to be that much better than. It motivated us to get stronger and learn more of our craft. Even the coaches knew who our unspoken opponents were; they were very good at observing behavior and cliches. They knew Jessica and I were never close and were usually always at each other's throats, trying to outdo one another. We were two completely different types of performers though. Where I lacked in character and promo work, she had in spades. She struggled to carry a match at times, while my in ring work was where I strived. Some of the guys envied me because of it.

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