41. Fight

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*Author's note: I have to preface this chapter by saying it could be intense for some readers. This includes violence and possible death. If that makes you uncomfortable, please skip over it!*

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

I had no idea how many people were in the house, and all I had was the pocket knife Jessica had dropped in the middle of the fight. Without the key, I was trying my luck at the door. Turns out she hadn't locked it, and maybe that was another mistake she'd made. As soon as I got the door open, a large man towered over me. He reached out to grab me, but I took the knife and jammed it into his lower stomach. I felt sharp pains in my hand as I twisted the knife out, hardly giving myself time to process what I'd just done. The guy fell own to the ground, cursing my name under his breath.

Someone upstairs must have heard the commotion because I heard him walking back towards the steps. I fled towards the back of the house, hiding in the laundry room. I needed to get to Noah, but I had to find a way to hold the men off. At least one of them had a gun, I heard it. I was going to need that gun.

I heard the guy I stabbed tell someone I'd gone to the back of the house. I tried to hold my breath as best as possible while I listened for footsteps. I had the advantage in this, I had to remind myself. I knew where he was coming from, but he didn't know where I was hiding. If I picked the right opportunity, I had the chance to take him off guard and hopefully get a better weapon. I needed to get to Noah.

Running away was still on the table, but I just wouldn't be able to live with myself knowing I didn't at least try to help Noah get out of here. I noticed the bald man slip into one of the bedrooms on the main floor, which happened to be next to the laundry room. When he went in, I slipped out and tip-toed to the kitchen. I was relieved to find some bigger knives on a holder on the counter. I traded the bloodied pocket knife in exchange for two larger, sharper-bladed kitchen knives.

I fit myself between a basement door and a kitchen fridge. When he came in, I had plans to stab him... as many times as it took. I never thought I'd have to do something like this, I didn't even let myself dream about it. As I waited, my head was in agony and my stomach felt like it would burst at any second. My legs were darring to give out on me from the fall I took, but I had to quite literally stand my ground. There wasn't much time for me to hype myself up before the man entered the kitchen and realized I'd been there because I left the pocket knife on the counter. He froze in his tracks long enough for me to run towards him.

He heard me and turned around to face me. I kneed him between his legs and he crouched over in shock and pain. I took the knife and aimed for the stomach. I nearly cried out as I pulled the knife back out from his body. He was still putting up for a fight though and reached in his jacket for a gun. When I saw him pull it out, I panicked and stabbed him in the arm. He immediately dropped the gun and that was enough time for me to kick it to the other side of the room, closer to a back door I was just noticing.

"You bitch," he winced out and grabbed ahold of my neck.

His grip was so tight that I went crashing onto the floor. I managed to drop one of the knives, but I didn't think he noticed because he started fighting with me for the one in my hand. I was kicking and screaming, trying my best to keep my grip as he tried to strangle me. We struggled back and forth, blood painting the kitchen floor. Before I knew it, my eyesight was getting spotty and my breaths were shorter. I tried to use the knife again, but he dodged the attack. I was panicking at the sign of darkness. I couldn't see.

My ears started ringing while my body was getting dangerously numb.

I couldn't remember what I was doing here. What was I supposed to be doing? What was even going on?

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