16. Quinceañera

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November 5, 2005

Partying was never really my thing but it was tradition to celebrate a girl's Quinceañera , their happy fifteenth. It marks the coming of age, a girl stepping into womanhood. It's the equivalent to the American Sweet 16. Even though being around a lot of people was never my cup of tea, I was surrounded by tons of family and friends from the neighborhood and school. I felt comfortable around them all, for the most part. My Winter Wonderland themed party was everything I had expected it to be and more; dainty white cloth covering every table, decorative trees with artificial snow coating the tops, blue lights set up around the room, glitter everywhere you turned. To me, it was perfect. And the best part was that there was a candy bar, which was where I spent most of the night.

I was biting into my teal colored candy can when my boyfriend, Damian, approached me with a bright smile on his face

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I was biting into my teal colored candy can when my boyfriend, Damian, approached me with a bright smile on his face. I was worried about having him at the party knowing how hot headed he was. I didn't want him causes any problems, but he'd been on his best behavior so far. He dressed up in nice black dress pants and a baby blue button up shirt. It'd been a while since he looked so put together.

"Can't keep you away from this junk, you having fun?" he asked, wrapping an arm around my waist.

"Yeah, so far. I love sweets, you know this," I whined. "Besides it's my party. I can eat and do whatever I want," I shrugged.

"You think so?" he asked.

"I know so," I smiled.

I bobbed my head along to the song, Gold Digger, that was blasting in the room. Everyone around me was slowly swaying to the music on the dance floor or in their seats. A bit into another piece of candy before I felt someone tap my shoulder. I jumped, just a little, and I mentally scolded myself for it. Turning around, I saw Noah standing there and looking too happy for my liking. His eyes were wide and his face was perked up like he had something excited to share.

"I have your birthday gift, follow me out into the hallways real quick," he grinned, grabbing my hand to pull me out of the room. We shouldn't have been holding hands, I wasn't single. But I guess some people wouldn't look at it as 'holding hands', like in a romantic sense. It'd just be grabbing hands, as friends, right?

 It'd just be grabbing hands, as friends, right?

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