Chapter Four

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November 8, 2010

"Anna told me you skipped this morning's cheer practice, everything alright?" Joe asked me once we met outside one of the dining halls.

I ignored his comment and threw an empty container in the trash. I felt bad about wasting it but I couldn't bring myself to eat. Food here was never five star but the thought of it had never repulsed me like it did this morning. My body was aching and the last thing I wanted to do was eat. Something wasn't right and I couldn't put my finger on it. Yesterday was worse but today still wasn't good. I felt like I was seconds away from my body giving out and Joe pestering me wasn't going to solve anything.

He trailed behind me as I walked slow enough to keep the space around me from spinning. I must have faltered a bit but because Joe looked down at me, concerned, before taking my book bag off my back.

"Maria, what is going on with you?"

"I'm just a little tired, that's all," I almost didn't recognize the sound of my own voice. I felt dazed.

"Are you feeling better after yesterday? Are you sure it's not the flu or something like that?"

"I don't have the flu."

"Okay well flu or no flu I think you should lie down and get some more rest. You can barely walk straight baby," Joe said.

As much as I hated to admit, Joe was right. There was no way I was going to be able to focus in class feeling like this. I thought that if I pushed myself that my body would mellow out but it didn't. My vision was flared up, my muscles were sore, my stomach was unsettled, and my head was pounding.

I nodded my head and Joe kissed the back of my hand before walking with me towards my dorm room. He kept a firm hold on my waist which was probably the only reason I was still standing. He offered to drive to the store just to buy me soup and Ginger Ale but I told him I'd survive without it. Even through my sick haze I could appreciate how well he looked out for me.

What was usually a fifteen minute walk turned into a twenty-five minute walk. Joe wanted to carry me but I was determined to get there on my own two feet. I let myself back into my room, Joe coming in after me. He sat my book bag down on my chair before helping me crawl into bed. He tucked the blanket into my sides and made sure I was warm.

"Are you sure you don't have the flu?" he quizzed.

"No, doctors tested me yesterday. Why?"

"Because I want to kiss you."

"You can kiss me," I smiled and there was no hesitation on his end.

A kiss on the forehead led to a kiss on the cheek, and then I initiated a kiss on the lips. Apparently I wasn't too sick to kiss him. Joe's hand cradled my head as his tongue skillfully overtook mine. I hadn't felt that good since the last time we kissed. He was like a drug to me and I couldn't get enough.

We reluctantly broke apart for air. I saw a smile flash across his face before he bent down for another kiss.
Joe groaned and tightened his grip on me, kissing me more aggressively than he had before.

"I... love... you," he managed in between the heated makeout session we were caught in.

Joe's phone sounded off, breaking us apart. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and read the message. His friend was asking if he was coming to a class that started in ten minutes.

"I gotta go doll," he frowned and looked at me.

"Go get your education. Come check on me later."

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