38. End You

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Monday, February 3, 2014

I was sitting across from Vince McMahon, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't very intimidated. He wanted to talk business with me again and I'd gone into his office prepared for the worst. I prepared myself to not cry when he'd admit he didn't like my gimmick idea. I was prepared to keep my composure when he'd say I was getting released from my contract, and that he wished me the best on my future endeavors. Although I was going to be heartbroken again, I knew I had to act in a respective manner. I couldn't afford to burn any bridges, especially not with chairman of WWE.

"So," he looked up from his papers. "Our last meeting was interrupted, I'm sorry about that. But it's not so bad that happened because I needed some time to think about things as we move forward."

"Yes, I understand," I said, nervously rubbing the palms of my hands together.

"Good, that's good. I need to know what's going on with the case, if you can tell me anything?"

"I'm actually not sure how much I'm legally allowed to say. There could be progress, but that's not one hundred percent fact. Regardless of that, I just feel like I'm in a tough spot right now. I want to get back on the road, but I know where you stand on that."

"I can't say that I know what you're going through because I've never been in such a predicament, but I can imagine how frustrating and terrifying it must be. Health is very important here, and how you're doing physically and mentally is top priority. It was horrible what happened to you, and I hate that it happened. You were a great addidtion to the Diva's division." 

"This all sucks because I'm being held back by a bunch of variables I can't control. I know it's dangerous to be out traveling during the times that we travel, but I don't want to keep living my life in fear. And we still don't know if it was a one off, it could have been a crazed fan that found our location. Security's been doing their best to keep me safe, and I'm still here all these months late so that has to count for something," I argued.

Vince's fingers tapped against the wooden desk very slowly. I saw his eyes trail across the room as he pondered my side of the argument. His breathing was rather calm as his chair rocked back and fourth. Him letting me come back was my main priority. If he decided he didn't enjoy my gimmick idea, there were plenty more where that came from. I'd just keep throwing out ideas until one stuck. 

I understood that my safety and security mattered but I couldn't hide forever and spend the rest of my life waiting for someone else to throw answers into my lap. I'd be a prisoner more than a normal functioning human being. That wasn't fair to me. Although I had my suspisions about Noah having something to do with all this mess, I didn't want to give him any more power over me and how I lived my life. He'd done enough of that already. 

"This has to be dealt with soon. I can't have you sitting in limbo with no plan for another month, we need to figure this out. We could talk about getting you back on the road again, but then we might have to look into escorts and things like that. I don't want you in danger and I certainly don't want the rest of my talent in danger. I take a lot of risks, but this situation is not something to toy around with. So what's going to have to happen is if I can, I need to hear from someone involed in this case. If they think it's okay for you to be on the road, then we can talk about that. If not, then we may have to explore the more dreadful options like a pay reduction."

"I understand," I whispered. 

"Maria, I think you're a talented individual. I see the potential, you just need the platform to explore what works for you a little more. I sat on your gimmick idea and I don't hate it, I'm not opposed to it. There's a lot to consider with a character like that, like you've got to be booked and handled in a very specific way and I don't want things out of control. I also wasn't sure if you could take something like that and make it work in real time, but I have confidence in you because of how you've been fighting for yourself so far. It's easy to get complacent here, almost everyone goes through that phase. But since the day you've been out, you've been trying to find ways to get back and do what works for you. You put in the work that you don't have to, and that's what makes you different than some of the women in that locker room. I respect you, believe me, and I want to see you succeed."

Getting a little praise from Vince McMahon wasn't something everyone received. I had to shake my head and make sure I was really there and that he said what I thought he said. It felt like he was rooting for me, and that was enough to give me a little piece of mind. 

"I think about wrestling a lot, Mr. McMahon. All I wanna do is be in that ring. I have big goals for myself, like a lot of people here. I just need that trust and that spot and I promise I won't let you down because I know I won't let myself down either. This business is everything to me. I grew up in it and I want to stay in it for a very long time, if you let me," I said.

"Get my in touch with your case leaders and we can do business from there. We'll figure this out, we have to."

I couldn't help but smile, and I had to stop myself from jumping up onto his desk and causing a scene, wreaking fun havoc. For the first time in months, I felt like I was making some sort of progress with my career. Vince was willing to cooperate and I was thankful for that because he wasn't always the most understanding. 

We hugged before I was dismissed from his office. I krept back into the hallway and I looked around for a place to go. I couldn't contain my excitement and started shaking my hands in quick circles like I was dancing. This was my silver lining in the clouds.

"Hey, Maria," Jessica saw me as she turned a corner.

"Hi," I didn't know how to take her or what to think of her really. 

"You're outside of Vince's office. Have you spoken to him? Are you coming back?"

"I've spoken to him and we have a plan, but don't worry, you'll get to keep your spot for now," I explained. 

"Oh a plan? I'm surprised he hasn't released you already, but I guess that's because of who you're close with. You better thank Mark when you get home," she smiled at me when she said it. 

I tried not to give her a reaction but I was a little off guard and unsure of myself. How did she know that? I didn't remember mentioning it when we used to train together, it would have made me a target if I said anything. Only a handful of people knew what my relationship with Mark was like and she wasn't one of them. Had Aj been telling my business to the new girl?

"What are you talking about?"

"It's okay, no need to get defensive and act dumb. Your secret is safe with me," she whispered, leaning in. 

I stepped away from her with a look of disgust. What was the point of all this? She was like a nastier version of Brie Bella. For a split second, I thought about punching her in the face. I wasn't in the mood to be her prey; she didn't get to walk all over me. But I reminded myself whose office we were outside of, and I wasn't going to let her make a fool out of me in front of Vince.

"Jessica, I have to go." I tried to walk off but she caught my arm. 

"And I won't say anything about Joe either. I know you want people to think you made it on your own, I get it. But between you and me, let's not act like you don't have a world of help."

I had so many questions and so many thoughts running through my head. Was she just making assumptions or was somebody feeding her this information? I didn't want to believe that Aj would air out my dirty laundry just because we weren't on the best of terms anymore, but I didn't put anything past anyone. If Aj had told her all of this, she already said too much and I was going to have a few choice words for her. 

"I can assure that every accolade under my belt here will be because of my hard work and dedication. I tried out just like everybody else and I trained to be here, you know that. I'm not afraid to put the time in, so don't act like I'm standing around waiting for someone's ass to kiss. You don't scare me, and you can't stop me from succeeding. All you can do is hope that I don't steal your spotlight when I get back."

I watched her argressively chew on her bottom lip and roll her eyes. Was her attitude supposed to make me reconsider?

"I'm going to end you. Mark my words, no pun intended," she spat before nudging me in the shoulder and sauntering off.

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