34. Space

357 14 9

Monday, December 23, 2013

Noah flew over to the door, locked it shut, and threw his body back against it. I charged at him full speed but was knocked on my ass when he pushed me down. He had the strength card, but I was a lot smarter and a lot craftier too. When we collided outside of Nick's house in the middle of the night, he had the surprise factor, but there was no more of that. Noah had to fight me face to face and he was going to lose.

I crawled over to my phone, which he foolishly left lying on the ground. I pushed against my home button, forcing the screensaver to pop up. But of course, Noah kicked the phone from under me. I stood to my feet, a bit dizzy, and punched him in the face. Somehow, I needed to get him away from the door.

His head jerked to the side after I punched him again. Fed up with me, he engulfed me with a bear hug and dragged me across the room, towards the window. At this point, the phone shouldn't have been a priority. Escaping was.

I kicked around in his arms, making it harder for him to secure a hold on me. A few curse words slipped from his lips as my left elbow connected with him on the side of his jaw. I got him to loosen his grip enough for me to flip him over my shoulder. His entire body was sent crashing onto the tiled floor. I crawled to the direction of the door but was sent gliding back as he dragged me by my feet. He pulled me up by the neck and flung me back against the medicine cabinet.

I groaned out in pain. My lower back hit the side of the cabinet and I was more than sure it'd leave a mark. Shaking it off though, I stood back up to my feet and jetted off towards the door. I nearly got the lock off when Noah forcefully yanked me away, still pleading for me to calm down and trust him. If he was innocent then why was he fighting?

"Will you just listen to me? I don't want to hurt you!"

"You already did!" I screamed out and kicked him hard against his knee, making it give out.

It pushed him back a few feet and I used that to my advantage to come to a vertical base. When trying to take a straight path to the door, he stepped directly in my way. Getting pissed off, I kicked him in his balls and he immediately fell to the ground. His hands reached out to grab my feet but I quickly hopped over him and scurried over to the door. I unlocked it just before he started to slither across the floor, wincing in pain. My hand fell onto the doorknob and yanked it open. I kicked the wheelable chair in his direction to slow him down, just in case he tried to follow me out.

Making my way out into the hallway, I made a quick left to get to the stairway. Except by the time I'd reached the end of the way, there was no door to an exit or stairway. There was no elevator, nothing. Shit. I'd gone the wrong way. I didn't have much time to waste though, so I ran through the long hallway, back in Noah's direction, and never even slowed down to see if he was still in there. He had to have been, right?

I made a right that time around and ran down another hall before reaching the dark stairway. When I went to open it, it wouldn't budge. So I tried the other door next to it and that one didn't move an inch either. The doors couldn't have been locked, why weren't they working? How did they get jammed?

"Shit!" I cursed.

What was I supposed to do? There was no other way out of the building, no secret tunnels or elevators on this floor.

The phone. Go get it.

Going back to get my phone was actually a really good idea. I returned to the room and looked around the mess we'd made for my iPhone, noticing right away that Noah was nowhere to be found. Hopefully he didn't take it or else I'd really be screwed. I found it under the bench and almost breathed a sigh of relief.

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