Author's Note

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It's a wrap! It's been a long, sad, exhausting, anxious, but exciting road. I've put so much time and effort into this book and making sure it was up to the standard I know I'm capable of reaching. I hope you guys enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Thank you to my amazing readers who stuck with me through all my craziness. All the wild plot points, sloppy editing, and not updating for weeks on end. It was hard to continue sometimes and at some points, I wanted to give up. You guys pushed me through and the thought of letting you guys down killed me tremendously. I appreciate, and love hearing from you, and seeing all the comments you leave. I'm sad to see this book come to an end but am overjoyed for what is to come in the sequel. 

Tell me, do you think Maria will tell someone about Damian's note? Or do you think she'll go back on her word and keep yet another big secret?

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