27. The Receptionist

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Wednesday, December 3, 2013

"We're gonna work on some squats. I'd like to see how well your foot is able to bear weight. Let's do the regular, feet shoulder width apart—"

"I know how to do squats, Noah. I practically work out for a living," I stopped him.

"Relax, I'm just doing my job," Noah sighed.

Robin was still recording my progress from the last exercise I did and so she hadn't pick up on the slight bickering Noah and I were engaging in. If I were being honest, I was a bit on edge. Last night, I didn't get much sleep and Noah was getting the brunt of my aggravation. Physical therapy wasn't fun and I wasn't in the mood to be in pain. I also didn't want to squat around Noah, it would just feel weird. Not that things were supposed to be sexual, I was just mildly uncomfortable. 

"Don't worry, I'm not here to stare at your ass all day," he whispered just before Robin turned her attention back to us. 

Had I said something out loud?  

I shook my head before starting my rep of squats. The pain wasn't too bad, nothing that caused any fuss. It had been a lot better than the ankle rolls I'd done earlier on in the session. I got to about twenty before I noticed, with the help of the wall length mirror, that Noah's eyes had began to wonder up from my foot to my backside. Feeling my body heat up, I stopped.

"That's all I can do," I lied.

Robin smiled at me, completely oblivious to what was going on. Turning to look at Noah, his eyes were still looking at the wrong thing. When he realized that I'd caught him, he cleared his throat and created a little more distance between us. 

"Okay, that was great, Maria," Robin said. "I think now I want to see you go over to that bar and try some single legged squats. Do as many as you can on your bad leg before switching to the good leg. I'd like to compare the difference in strength. Before the injury, which side would you say was dominant?"

"She's right side dominant," Noah chimed in.

"How do you know that?" I asked.

"Remember when you kicked me?"

"I've never kicked you before." We used to argue with each other all the time but I never, ever kicked him. Was he trying to joke around or make me look abusive?

Noah's eyes went wide and he started to aggressively chew on his bottom lip. "You have, but it's okay. We were just messing around."

"Sure..." I trailed off as I limped over to the ballét bar, touching it giving me a rush of memories from when I danced. 

I swallowed the lump in my throat. Dance was my very first love. When I was younger, I always imagined myself doing something on Broadway or working for a dance company in New York. When family issues started getting out of control, I lost my direction and I stopped being in tune with myself. I gave it up because I couldn't give it my all anymore. My sister started where I left off and my dreams became hers. I moved on to wrestling and that was the end of it.

The rest of my session went by in a blur. I was there, but I wasn't there. It was just an off day for me and I hoped next time things would be better for me. After placing my black brace onto my foot, I grabbed my belongings and made my way over to the desk for scheduling future appointmnets. While waiting in line, I pulled out my iPhone to text my driver that I'd be out in five to ten minutes. But in the process, I had seen a text message from Joe that read, Michelle's letting me pick you up today and bring you back to the house. I'm waiting outside for you now

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