17. The Truth

944 31 21

Monday November 4, 2013
11:48 p.m.

I was officially twenty three but I still felt fifteen. I let my past take over me and control my life for eight years. Every year, I'd look myself in the mirror and make a resolution. I'd promise myself that I'd change; I'd become stronger, smarter, and protect myself better than I did in the past. But every year, I failed. Why would this year be any different?

I'd gone through the day just like any other day, because that's what it felt like to me. I didn't wake up with the tingling feeling in the pit of my stomach like I used to when I was much younger. I didn't wear a crown or tiara and prance around telling everyone it was my special day. I just went to work, to Monday Night Raw, and did my job.

Tonight, I had the opportunity to face Naomi in one on one competition. It was my first solo match, meaning I'd have no one to tag in and out when I got tired or was hurt. All Aj Lee could do was cheer me on from the sidelines and make sure no outside factors determined the winner of the match, which I did eventually get the win on. It was probably better that Aj and I didn't work together too much though.

Tensions were still high between us, last night being more than enough proof. I was driving with Aj and she barely uttered a word to me in our four hour drive to Los Angeles, California for Monday Night Raw. Not even when the clock hit midnight and it was officially my birthday. After Aj had gotten a phone that she could call and text me on regularly, she was always the first person to call and start my birthday off right. Aj was first even when I was in a room full of people, but things were different. I drove and she kept to herself, working in a journal that she wrote in daily. Every now and then we'd sneak glances at each other but never at the same time. I knew she was disappointed in me for not telling Joe who Giana actually was but I would've never thought she'd give me the silent treatment over it.

My body is your party, baby

Nobody's invited but you, baby

I can do it slow now, tell me what you want

Baby, put your phone down, you should turn it off

'Cause tonight it's going down, tell your boys it's going down

We in the zone now, don't stop

"It's our song," Colby said, wrapping his arms around my waist from behind.

"It's the song that got me in trouble," I mumbled, twisting my body so that we were face to face.

I'd been avoiding him for the past two weeks and honestly, it was exhausting. The guy got around, and as large as the buildings we worked in were, he was always somewhere close. It got to the point where I'd have to turn my head to make sure he wasn't around and then I'd make a dash to my next location.

"Trinity told me you've been hiding from me," he slurred, the liquid in his beer bottle swished around as if was dancing to the beat.

"I'm not. We just haven't run into each other recently," I replied with a shrug of the shoulders.

"You don't answer my calls or texts. I've asked you out to breakfast and dinner multiple times but haven't heard a word from you."

"I don't remember getting any calls or texts, but maybe we can do something Saturday before the show," I promised but didn't mean it.

The last thing I needed was for him to pop another surprise on me, maybe a marriage proposal was next. No, that was a little too dramatic. Maybe he'd buy me a gift, and offer that we take things slow and start off as fuck buddies. Yeah, fuck buddies.

"Okay, cool," he smirked, something devious coming to mind. "But for now, dance with me. I wanna have some fun with the birthday girl."

That probably wasn't the best idea that the Architect could have come up with. Well actually, it was a very good idea for him, just not for me. He'd get everything he wanted, which was my ass on his crotch and maybe even more. If I were drunk, I would've danced along with him just for the fun of it. But I was too aware and had no intentions of dancing with a guy that referred to me as a toy that he'd give up once he got tired of.

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