21. Jealousy

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Tuesday, November 12, 2013

It'd been exactly a week since my birthday party disaster. Michelle had told me that what happened to me was an attack and that I was the victim and that it wasn't something I should be ashamed of. Countering her, I argued that the word victim meant that I would've been defeated, that he or she got the better of me. They may had broken a few bones and shattered a disrupted my peace, but it was nothing too serious.

"Have you gotten in touch with Colby at all since last week?" Aj asked, taking a seat next to me on the couch.

Things between us had been tense but I guess my near death experience forced us put aside our differences and just love each other while we were both on Earth. I would've been lying if I said there wasn't a part of me that was still spiteful towards her because of that ultimatum she gave me.

"Why would I do that?" I pondered, flicking through the channels on the tv for something to entertain me.

The whole no wrestling, no working out, no hard hitting activities thing was starting to eat me alive. I had two months recovery time and it'd only been a week. A week without pay, a week without doing things that made me happy. I didn't think I was going to survive.

"I mean, I just figured you would've called him by now. To see if he was okay and everything," she said.

"April, you do realize that by this point, all the WWE universe, so employees included, know about what happened to me right? I've gotten a call from almost everyone but him. Ya' know, I wouldn't have even been outside if it wasn't for him, so the least he could do is call and wish me to get well soon. Clearly he's not thinking about me, so why should I waste time thinking about him? I'm over it."

"I can't believe he didn't call or text... You don't think it was him do you?"

"'Him? What?"

"That tried to kill you!" she yelled, making me drop the remote on the floor.

As much as I was starting to strongly dislike the guy, I really hoped it wasn't him. The only reason he would've had to be out for blood was because I refused to sleep with him. People lost their lives over that kind of stuff, but I didn't take Colby for the type. Not to mention police questioned him about his whereabouts and apparently, he had an alibi

"Police interrogated him and he's in the clear, not that I trust the law to do its job. But the only way it was him was if he premeditated the attack. Earlier on in the night, he wasn't wearing black. He had on a white shirt and light washed jeans. And when the party had first started, he was really nice to me. The only time he flipped out was at the end when he wanted to have sex and Joe and I both went off on him for it. And even still... how would he have known I'd go looking for him after he stormed off. How'd he know I'd go outside?"

"Those are really good points... I just think it's weird that everyone at the party said they saw him go upstairs to find you and didn't see him again until after everything went down. They said he was the last one to get outside, along with Danielle," April reminded me.

"Cameras don't show him leaving Nick's house or anyone coming out of Nick's house dressed in black. The person came from down the street, so that rules out Colby and everyone else that was in the house at the time... What if him and Danielle were fucking?" my jaw dropped.

Aj nodded her head before picking up the remote she made me drop and handing it back to me. "You know what, I wouldn't even be surprised. But speaking of sexual relations, Trin told me she saw you and Joe kissing in the hospital on Wednesday," Aj smiled.

After the whole make out session went down, through the next couple of days he would sneak little kisses when no one was watching. I thrived on secrecy. We didn't take things any further than that, we hadn't even taken the time to establish what exactly it was that we were doing. I didn't want to ask either, I just wanted to enjoy us like this.

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