25. Redemption

661 19 4

Tuesday, November 26, 2013
3:45 PM

My fragile toes traced along the light wooden floor, moving along without a pattern in mind. Unpolished toenails guided their way across the creases in the wood, like they were trying to remember what the floor felt like. I was getting a sensation back. They gained new life, and although weak at the moment, my foot was going to be strong again. It had to be.

My right hand peeled back the curtain just enough to see the slightest bit of sunshine seep into the kitchen area. Just enough to see two middle aged police officers chatting it up on the deck. If I was being honest, living with police officers and security surrounding almost every possible enter and exit in the house felt like a prison. How could it not? I felt like a teenager with a bad attitude that'd been grounded. Like a troubled teen that disobeyed the law and was put on house arrest.

Mark, along with security, had given me strict rules to follow for as long as they felt it was necessary. Under no circumstances could I leave the house alone and unattended to. Even if I was quiet and strategic enough to escape, there would be about five police officers waiting for me in any direction I turned towards. No one was allowed in the house unless cops signaled the okay. Security was allowed to enter the house anytime they pleased to check out the scene. I was not to spend more than an hour and a half in one store at a time and I was not to post on social media about my location during any point in time.

When looking at my situation and the fact that there were more than a handful of people that could have wanted to see me hurt or even dead, the rules made sense. I hadn't been angry at the rules per say, but more so the principle behind the fact. I got a little taste of freedom just for it to be taken away. If I could have time traveled back to that night, I wouldn't have gone looking for Colby. Colby Lopez was not worth losing my life for, I decided.

"Maria, do you have a few seconds to spare?" Michelle had entered the kitchen with a perfect smile on her face.

"I have more than a few seconds, what's up?" I asked, hand still latched onto the curtain.

"Another colleague of yours wants to come visit."

There had been a handful of wrestlers and family members that drove or flew all the way out to Tampa just to check up on me. Michelle thought it sweet that I had so many people care enough to check in on me, and in a small way I agreed, but a big part of me felt embarrassed. My pride was the slowest it'd been in a considerable amount of time and I felt broken down. I didn't want anyone seeing me like a damsel in distress, even if I was.

"Who is it this time?"

"It's Colby... I think you should try to hear him out, Maria. Over the phone he told me how he wanted to see you sooner but he's so worried that you hate him. I told him it was a good idea for you two to talk things out and clear the air."

"He scares me now, you know. Aj thought he did it, and I can see why. I mean, no one could find him when everything went down. I had pissed him off, so the motive's there."

"I get that, I really do. But I've met the kid on a few different occasions, and yes, he can be a hothead, but I don't think he'd stoop to the level of hitting a woman. Police questioned him, Mark questioned him, he's in the clear. I think you should let him explain himself," she said.

It was like her to always see the good in people, and I tried to be like that, too. But when you've been betrayed as much as I had been, you could understand why it wouldn't seem so out of the ordinary for someone to switch up. I didn't think Colby did it, but I didn't put it past him. Colby reminded me of Noah. How competitive he was with Joe and he was a ladies' man. Women didn't turn down an opportunity to share a bed with The Seth Rollins very often. Noah used his charm and good looks to have any girl he wanted by his side, and he almost had me too.

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