39. Lights Out

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Monday, February 3, 2014

The colorful beaming lights reflected off the walls and overwhelmed my eyes. I drew my head away and ducked down from all the chaos, it was starting to give me a headache. I could feel the ground shaking below my feet as crowds of people jumped and shook all across the rectangular dance floor. For some peculiar reason, all the alcoholic beverages swallowing the bars, the tables, and people were tempting me. I kept reminding myself what happened last time I went overboard on the drinks and hoped that was enough to rebel me from doing something stupid, again.

I hadn't even expected to be in another club or bar anytime soon. Not just because I was nearly dragged out through the back exit by some drunk lunatic last time, but because it wasn't my scene. However, Jessica's words, "I'm going to end you," loudly echoed in the back of my head. Her voice had consumed my thoughts as I listed off all the possible ways she could end me if she really wanted me. She could have thrown me off a ladder, ran me over with a car, ripped apart my social reputation. Would she actually do anything though? I wasn't sure.

Afraid of being alone, I came out with Trinity to the club. She didn't want to be the only girl with Colby, JG, Jon, Josh and Joe around. When I heard Joe's name, I heavily considered finding someone else to pass time with. I wasn't ready to face him yet, not after everything that was said between the two of us. But Trinity promised that everything would be fun, and that she'd keep me away from Joe if things were too awkward. She had always been so sweet to me and never had anything but good intentions towards everyone. I couldn't say no.

"Trinity was looking for you," Colby told me as he seated himself next to me on the otherwise unoccupied bench.

Her husband, Jon, had joined Trinity and me on the crowded dance floor. Trin and I took turns spinning into his arms before he would dip us so low to the ground that we nearly banged our heads a few times. I even tried my best to teach them how to salsa. Everything was going pretty well until Jon's hormones kicked in and he felt the urge to get overly touchy with his wife. Their sexual chemistry was absolutely insane and I wanted no parts of that, so I left them to it.

"You okay?" he asked. "Why are you by yourself?"

"I don't know, I felt like I was third wheeling with Jon and Trin, so I left them alone. I suppose the other two are off at the bar. I'm odd man out, and now I'm sitting here overthinking."

"Hey, I get it. Sometimes I feel that way with Joe and Jon. We're obviously all close, but they've just got a different vibe and are in their own world without me," he explained, leaning back in his seat.

"I'm sorry. Three's a crowd, they say."

"Yeah... You should go party though while you can. You're always telling me you don't get out much. Speaking of which, how are you with all that stuff? Making any progress?"

I told him about Noah and everything that unwrapped at my physical therapy appointment. I even told him how I'd thought it was Noah who attacked me while the police weren't so sure.

"Could it really have been him though? Remember Michelle had police call all car rental shops in the city and none of them registered to Noah. Plus, there's no physical evidence that he was there. Maybe, just maybe you want to jump to conclusions and blame him because you just wanna have everything done and over with?"

"No, I know Noah, and I just feel like it was him. He could have caught a taxi or something. Or maybe he knows someone in LA and took their car for the day," I thought.

I would never jump to conclusions with a situation as serious as attempt at murder, assault, trespassing, etc. Sentences that grand could ruin anyone's life. I wouldn't be so quick to throw an innocent person into jail just to ease my mind. I could be cruel, but not that cruel.

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