Cry To God

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Memory Verse

      My friends scorn me; My eyes pour out tears to God.
Job 16:20 NKJV

God's Word

        It's ok not to be ok. Not at all times we have the strength to faca the situations. And what we can only do it to cry before the Lord.
      Sometimes, the people that you expect to help you are those people who also scorns you.
       God is our assurance. We must not hate people because we didn't receive help from them. God allows it, for us to draw near to Him and trust Him in everything.
       Our tears is very important to God. He will not allow it to be in vain. So that, if we are really tired of what happen to us. God before God and cry to Him.
        The Lord will be our Comfort and we shall have peace of mind if we entrust everything to Him.
God's Character

      He is our Comfort

God's Promises
      He will give me comfort and peace of mind

Life Application

        If I can't make it, I will cry before God and let Him do it. I will trust Him wholeheartedly

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