The Mouth and The Heart

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Memory Verse

     Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart Be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord , my strength and my Redeemer.
Psalms 19:14 NKJV

God's Word

     David knew what he did in God's sight from before, so that, he was very eager to please the Lord at his present time. He doesn't want bad things to go out from his mouth nor wrong doings meditate from his heart.

    The mouth and the heart is connected to one another. What we have in our hearts will surely be opened by our mouth. It is said that you will catch the fish by its own mouth, meaning to say that that you will know the person of who he is by what he says.
      As Christian, we must be watchful of our words. People always listen and look for what we do and say. Our heart and mouth have a biggest part on our daily lives. The Bible clearly says, "Guard your heart". It is our own decision if we're going to accept the things that we see or hear in our hearts. No one can open or close our hearts but only each one of us.
      Also by meditating God's Word it can really help us for the guidance that we need to guard our hearts. And for us to be careful of the word that will comes out from our mouth, let us feed our mind with the good and positive things, let us be feed with the Word of God and be filled with the Holy Spirit.
      So that, in everything that we do we will please God. Jesus Christ our Lord Who is in us is the Only One whom God had pleased. As long as we believe and apply Christlike character in ourlives, our God will surely be pleasing to us. It will start from our hearts and shall be open by our mouths.

     For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.
Matthew 12:34b NKJV

God's Character

     He is my Redeemer

God's Promises

      He will cleanse my heart and give the Word that I will speak

Life Application

      I will speak out the Word of God that comes from my heart

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