Show God to the Next Generation

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Memory Verse

      So we, Your people and sheep of Your pasture, Will give You thanks forever; We will show forth Your praise to all generations.
Psalms 79:13 NKJV

God's Word

      As God's pasture we must obey Him like what the sheep did on their shepherd. So, if those who are young with us saw what we did, they will also do it.
     To show God to the next generation is to do an example of obedience to God.
     It is very hard to tell someone to obey God if we ourselves not obeying God. So we must act first what we need to say. It is said that, "Action speaks louder than words". It is a real thing.
      And for us to obey God we must seek Him through prayer and reading the Bible and by these we can be assured that God will help us.
      And the generation that next to us will surely do what they see. Be a good model today and let the next generation imitate us as we imitate Christ.

God's Character

     He is God of all generation

God's Promises

     He will be the God of the generation that will next to me

Life Application

      I will be a good model for the next generation

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