Chapter 6

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How could somebody say that to me. How could someone say it at all? I was not going to respond. Not letting that asshole get the better of me, it was just a lie anyway. Wasn't it?

Today was just another day of me being on my laptop watching youtube videos. Nothing exciting for the past week.

I decided to go on twitter sense I havn't really been on it this week. I got to annoyed with everybody tweeting me about Dylan so I just never got back on.

I decided to look up Hayes' twitter since I wasn't following him. I searched 'hayes grier' and his twitter came up. I noticed he wasn't following me either but why would he sense we just became friends 2 weeks ago. Before following him i looked through his most recent tweets. Some where intersting and made me think who they were about.

Some that I really thought about were:

I can't believe that had to happen to her.

I wish i could just tell her how i feel.

Her eyes are the kind you could get lost in

shes gorgeous

I couldnt help but think these were about me. And in a way; i wanted them to be. Then one really caught my eye. He tweeted it on the first day of school at the time we are on the bus going to school.

How come I just now got up the courage to talk to her

Okay that was not a coinsidence. It couldn't be. Right? I decided not to follow him yet just so I could keep an eye on him to see if the tweets were about me. I wish I could ask Dylan for advice.

I thought about the topic more and more ideas came into my hear.I realized maybe Hayes is the only reason I'm alive right now.

I kind of smiled at the thought that he could make me feel that way. I liked that. My phone lit up saying I had a text. Here's more of these texts. It was from one of my best friends Kelly.

Kelly: Hey girl! Miss seeing you at school everyday 😘 are you coming back on Monday? Hope so! love you'

I decided to respond to her even though I haven't really been responding to anyone lately.

B- hey girl miss you and love you too. And yeah I think I'm coming back on Monday. I'm pretty sure I'll be ready to face everybody then.

K- yay! I'm excited now! can't wait. Lunch isn't the same without you, your seat just kinda sits there empty. Lol. How have ya been with your week off school?

B-oh you know. Just sitting on my laptop or watching netflix all day 😂. I've gone outside a few times when Hayes drags me out. But other than that nothing much

K- ooooo Hayes 😏😉

B- there's nothing to ooooo Hayes 😏😉about. We are just friends

I was kind of wondering were she even got the idea of anything being flirty with me and him. I mean I don't think I like him

K- well. I've been talking it some of the boy lax players and you know their some of his best friends and they're all saying that he likes you! I mean have you seen his tweets! there about you! anyone with eyes could tell you that he likes you and even his friends said they were all about you! come on Bradie he likes you give him a chance! you guys would be so cute!

I can't believe what I'm hearing. I kind if got the hint that the tweets were about me. But knowing that he actually likes me and everyone but me knows. I'm kind of oblivious it that stuff sometimes.

Me and Kelly talked for about a half and hour about Hayes and just another stuff that's been going on at school. Even about Dylan some.

Then I got a text from Hayes.

H- Hey meet me at the park at 6?

B- sure

It was 5:49 now and it take about 2 minutes to get the park so I just decided to leave now and I'd sit in me and Dylan's tree.

I haven't been up there sense the day he died. I kind of missed being up there. That's where we had our best talks at.

I climbed the tree the way I always do and sat in my spot. I traced my pointer finger over the carvings in the tree.

I started to get tears in my eyes when I realized that we will never be able to carve things in our tree anymore. We won't ever be able to have our talks here ever again and he won't ever be able to almost push me off the tree but catch me and do it just it scare me. Wow I miss him like hell. I never thought this feeling was possible. The pain and the aching. I didn't know it would physically hurt this much.

While all these thoughts were going through my head I didn't realize till now that I was balling my eyes out. I started to feel lightheaded and I began slowly leaning backwards.

Before I could catch my self I fell back off the tree branch. And surprisingly didn't scream or yell. I just let myself fall. I'm not sure why. I just did.

"Bradie!" I heard somebody yell.

Then I hit the ground.


I slowly opened my eyes then blinked a couple times. Hayes came clear into my vision. I looked around to see I was still lying under the tree in the park.

"Oh my gosh Bradie. You're okay. You-you don't ever do that again."

Then he wrapped me in a hug.

"Do what? Fall from a tree?" I asked him sarcastically with a smirk.

We both stood up and I brushed the dirt off me. My head was pounding like crazy. And I felt a little light headed, I almost fell over but Hayes caught me.

"You okay? You were out for a few seconds."

"Yeah I'm fine." I answered him and breathed in heavily.

"I saw you fall while I was coming up the side walk. You literally looked like you didn't even try to stop yourself," he says sounding concerned  

"Uh I didn't. Like once I realized I was falling- I was like-like okay with it."

"What? why?!"

"I honestly have no clue." because I really didn't.

"We'll are you okay now? uh don't ever scare me like that again," he said while hugging me. He resisted his chin on the top of my head and I buried my face into his chest and he smelt so good. My arms were wrapped around his torso and his were wrapped around my shoulders.

He drew little circles into my back with his thumb. And for some reason it felt perfect.
Like I wasn't hurting anymore.

After a few minutes he pulled away and looked me into the eyes but placed his hands on my shoulders and my arms were draped against my sides.

"So, the reason I asked you to come" he started "I wanna get you know you. Like really know you" he said with a smile

I knew he is who Dylan was talking about.

"Let's do it."

And When He Is Here  // hayes grierWhere stories live. Discover now