Episode 9: Break up

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Harmony's POV:

"HARMONY! NEYMAR! OVER HERE!" I look down as the paparazzi begin to swarm us. 

"NEYMAR! WHAT DO YOU THINK OF JUSTIN TRYING TO GET WITH HARMONY?" I kiss my teeth at their question as Neymar slightly tenses while looking away.

"NEYMAR! WHAT DO YOU THINK OF JUSTIN TRYING TO GET WITH HARMONY?" I kiss my teeth at their question as Neymar slightly tenses while looking away

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"HARMONY WHEN WILL YOU HAVE HIS CHILDREN?" I make sure not to react to this. The paparazzi continue to follow us as we make it to our car. We get in and Neymar speeds off as I sit in silence.


Harmony's Confessional:

After this whole Justin wanting me back started, Neymar took the first flight to LA. He has been really distant and I can see that all of this is bothering him.

I'm scared that he is going to break up with me since we were supposed to meet next week in Brazil. I had the whole pregnancy announcement planned out for him but I don't think it will end up happening.


We arrive at my home in Calabasas also known as the LA Palomino Mansion. I've actually been thinking about selling the place because Neymar is working more in France and I want us to be close to eachother.

"I don't like to hear that my girlfriend has another man lusting over her." Neymar states as soon as we get seated in the living room that is closest to the door. 

"A lot of men lust over me

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"A lot of men lust over me." I state matter of factly. "I don't know why it is affecting you so much."

"Because it's fucking Justin Bieber, who is supposedly a good friend of mine." Neymar then begins to curse in Portuguese.

I sit in silence, not knowing what to say.

"You met up with your ex and now this. It's too much, Harmony." He runs his hands through his hair.

"But you know that nothing happened between us." I wipe away a lone tear, "You know that I would never cheat on you. I may have dated them but they are my past, you are my present and my future."

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