Episode 16: And Go

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Irina's Confessional:

I know that I come off super bitchy to everyone but I can't help it. I really try to change who I am and communicate more but it just doesn't come off right. I won't lie, having so many siblings from different mothers can be difficult even though my mom has the most Palomino children. I just never feel as if I fit in, I feel like a disappointment.

In some ways, I know that I am.


Irina's POV:

After running 2 miles I slow down to a walk, seeing as I have plans for later on I need to keep it steady. I look around as I enjoy the scenery, it would be so lovely to live out here.

 I look around as I enjoy the scenery, it would be so lovely to live out here

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I love Brazil but there are some cons to it. I just want to go somewhere where I won't be recognised.

"Have you enjoyed your time alone?" I groan at the sound of his voice as he walks up next to me.

"What are you doing here Tyler?" I ask as I pause my music.

"Just checking on my little sister who has gone AWOL. What's up?" He asks as we begin to jog around the neighbourhood.

"I'm just jealous." I honestly say. "Everything is going so shit for me, I mean yeah I'm successful and shit but damn, my life is fucked. Cris is spending time away from me because that woman is pregnant with his baby. Everybody just seems to have the good partners and all I get is the one that cheats."

"I love you... you're my sister but you are bringing this on yourself." I roll my eyes at him. "I know you're rolling your eyes but it's true. Everyone has told you to leave him, heck you can see that he doesn't respect you. You're only 19 and he is over 30. What are you expecting?"

"For the one." I interrupt. 

"You're 19. You are still a teen, you should be going out and enjoying yourself. You need to stop working and actually live life for once."

"Piss off." I hiss and he sighs.

"You need a reality check and if him not having a child is one then lord help you." He jogs ahead and out of sight.


Harmony's POV:

I smile at the person who walks through my door.

"Congratulations on your engagement." She runs up to me and hugs me, I smile as I return the hug.

"Same to you." I respond before pulling away. "Joe is really lucky to have you."

We begin to make light conversation as we make our way to the pool, we strip down and I have my chef bring us some light food as well as champagne for Emily and water for me. Emily grabs her drink and I grab my water as we get in the pool.

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