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Irina Palomino: 

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Irina Palomino: 

Not being perfect. Being in the spotlight almost my entire life has allowed for anyone and everyone to form a judgement on me. I am considered to be the Barbie of my sisters and it comes with such madness. Growing up I began to shape my desires and my dreams around the idea of being the perfect person. It made me selfish and a diva. Not someone who I would ever want to be.

Phoebe Palomino:

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Phoebe Palomino:

Not being enough. Growing up Brazilian and French was difficult as people never considered me as either a Brazilian or French nationale. I was never French enough and I wasn't Latina enough. I don't possess the tan skin that my sisters have so I was always critiqued and people didn't view me as a Palomino. It created insecurities in my life as I never thought that I was enough to be who I am. Building my career as an actress distanced me from my model life and it still surprises people when I reveal who I truly am. A Palomino.

Mila Palomino-Kucther:

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Mila Palomino-Kucther:

Disappointing my family. Growing up without my mother was hard, I always felt disappointed knowing that I only knew her for a year before she passed away. Growing up I had fertility issues, having my first child was very hard for me. I felt as if I was disappointing Ashton and my family by not being able to conceive. Years before our first child, we had to terminate a pregnancy due to the baby and I having low survival chances. 

Adriana Palomino:

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Adriana Palomino:

Not being a good sister. I grew up with 10 other siblings and we are very family oriented. Once my career took off, I made the drastic move from Brazil to LA. It definitely split the family in half seeing as half of the sisters were living in LA while the rest were still in Brazil. Knowing how we divided and lost touch with eachother, I would never want to be in that position again. The sisters who were in Brazil never confided in me and it became a battle us. The Brazilian Sisters v LA Sisters.

Jenna Palomino:

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Jenna Palomino:

Not knowing myself. Growing up in this world shaped me to be the perfect person, I had to lose Jenna to become Jenna Palomino. Getting married to a world famous actor meant that I had to shape myself to suit him as well. I lost who I was and I'm now on a recovery to find myself. I'm in my thirties and I don't truly know myself.

Harmony Palomino:

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Harmony Palomino:

Being alone. I was the first sibling to move to LA for my modelling career which caused havoc in my family. I lived in LA for almost two years before I came back to Brazil to my family burt I was disowned by my father and ended up being alone until I decided to permanently move to LA. I hated being alone, I felt abandoned by everyone that I loved and I felt betrayed by all of them.

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