Episode 13: Twins

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Harmony's Confessional:

My pregnancy is not what I thought it would be. I had to schedule a cesarean because my body would not be able to make it to full term. (Smiles sadly) It's not the easiest thing to take in but I have faith in my God, in myself and in the doctors to deliver my babies as safely as they can.


Posted 5 hours ago

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Posted 5 hours ago

HarmonyPalomino: It's time guys. Since I told you guys that I will share this with you, I'm scheduled to have an c-section due to some complications. Just wanted to say that I'm grateful and thankful for this platform. Whatever happens, just know that I love you all and thank you x

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Harmony is laying on her side, on the stretcher, doing deep breathes as she heads to the operating room. Neymar follows behind her, looking distressed as his wife is taken to get prepped for the caesarean. 

Alessandro has booked out the whole floor for privacy as the Palomino siblings land in Brazil where Harmony will be having her babies. 


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"I don't want them to cut me open

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"I don't want them to cut me open." Harmony groans as she scrunches up her face in pain. Another contraction hits, making her twist on her side as she cries. Sadly, her pregnancy has not been the smoothest pregnancy and it hurts to know that it will be her last. 

Her mother rubs her daughters back, saddened by the fact that pregnancy has taken such a huge toll on her daughter.

"I'm sorry for crying." Harmony sniffs as she wipes away at her tears. "It just hurts so much and the things keep telling me is scaring me."

Alessandro's face hardens, "What are they telling you?"

"They are saying that I can die while having the twins." All of their faces drop as they look at her.

"But you are having a caesarean?" Her mother looks at her in disbelief.

Harmony looks away, "They said that my body is getting weaker by the second. There is a big possibility that I will lose a lot of blood during the procedure."

Everyone goes quiet for a moment before Alessandro goes storming out of the room followed by Rafael, Tyler, Colin and Neymar.

Everyone comforts Harmony as the nurse comes into the room to prep her before the caesarean. 

Just as Harmony is about to get wheeled for the caesarean, the men walk back into the room to give Harmony her well wishes. Neymar is taken to get dressed since he is going to be cutting the cord and the family begin to make their way to the viewing room where they get to watch the caesarean take place.


Palomino Sisters Confessional:

Adriana: We are praying that everything goes well with the caesarean. We love you so much Harmony and Neymar, we are here with you every step of the way.

Mila: (Tearing up) Nobody in our family has ever experienced this and it is a first so Harmony, my heart is with you.

Phoebe: Love you Harmonster, you are going to do great and I can't wait to see the twins.

Irina and Jenna: Love you bubba (Blows kisses)


Almost two hours later, the Palomino family are reunited together and looking at the twins.

"What are their names?" Salma beams as she holds one of the tiny twins in her arms.

"You're holding Alenia Valentina da Silva Palomino-Santos." Neymar says as a tired Harmony smiles at her mother. "Alessandro is holding Izabella Lara da Silva Palomino-Santos" 

"Beautiful names." Adriana comments as she wipes away a stray tear as they all fawn over the twin girls.

They let an hour go by before the twins fall asleep in their cots besides Harmony. The men have left the room to go buy food from a restaurant and get some wine to celebrate.

"I don't mean to bring this up." They all look at Irina. "But some girls are pissed about the fact that you said that you are planning to kick them off everything Palomino."

"Irina." Jenna hisses while glaring at her and Irina just shrugs her shoulders.

"You said that?" Mila looks at Harmony in confusion.

"Ladies, now is not the time." Salma stands up. "Your sister has given birth, this is a time of celebration."


Irina's Confessional:

Irina's Confessional:

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Things end up escalating and the sisters start going at eachother.

"Why the fuck are you kicking me out?" Phoebe cries as she stands near Harmony.

"Bitch, you're moving in with Paul anyways." Harmony hisses before putting her finger to her lips and letting out a sharp whistle. Everyone stops and looks at her as the babies start to cry.

Salma picks up Izabella and Mila picks up Alenia before handing her to Harmony who is on the verge of the tears.

"Get out." A tear falls down her face and she doesn't wipe it away as a wave of sadness hits her. "If you have a problem with me then you may as well leave because this is my moment and you are taking that moment away from me."

"I'm sorry." Phoebe collects her bag as she leaves the room and the rest turn to look at Jenna who sighs.

"I'll go talk to her."

"Don't bother." Harmony softly says, "It doesn't matter to me anymore, my life is right here."

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