Episode 2: Raefel

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Third POV:

"Hey Rafa." Harmony greets Rafael with a kiss, she ignores his mom before taking a seat.

"How's the baby?" Rafael asks while rubbing her stomach and she smiles warmly.

"The baby is good." She looks at the camera then winks. "You look good, big bro."   


Harmony's Confessional:

Of course I know my child's gender. Everyone will find out on the day at the baby shower.


Rafael does a dramatic thank you before taking a seat.

Rafael does a dramatic thank you before taking a seat

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"I'm here, you know." Rafael's mom states and Harmony shrugs.

"Everyone should be here in a few minutes, they got slightly held up." She smiles as she admires her brother. "I really missed you. I haven't seen you in so long, Rafa."

He pats her hand as he smiles. "I've missed you too, we're just so busy but we'll be more in touch."

Within 20 minutes the rest of the Palomino siblings make their appearance and get seated at the table

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Within 20 minutes the rest of the Palomino siblings make their appearance and get seated at the table. They spend an hour catching up as they have all been so busy and gushing over the pregnancies.

"Tell them the news so that I can leave." Rafael's mom states and Harmony gives her an annoyed look.

"Honestly, Phyllis your bluntness is so unattractive." Harmony states as she puts down her fork. "This whole time you've been staring down at us."

"Don't speak of my name. I never wanted to be here, I am here to show support to my son." Phyllis hisses.

"Ma." Rafael warns. "Be nice."

"He's our brother." Adriana interrupts. "I don't know why you don't like us. We have done nothing to wrong you or Rafael."

"You all parade your lives on TV and you look foolish. Airing your dirty laundry for the world to see, I am glad that Rafael never took part in this." Phyllis stands up. "You're a talentless bunch with no respect for yourselves."


"Oh grow up Phyllis." Tyler comments and she glares at him. 

"Oh shut up Rafael. I told you that I will have nothing to do with this family. For Christ sake their 19 year old is always naked for the world to see. How shameful." She continues on speaking trash about the siblings.

"Don't talk about our family like that." Mila steps in. "You don't know us and you certainly should not be around us. I don't even know how our father bared to be with you -"

Harmony cuts her off, "Oh right, he couldn't so he left you and now you're just bitter."

"Harmony, please let's not do this." Rafael pleads as he turns to calm his mother down.

"She's one to talk." Phyllis sneers. "The Hollywood whore."

Harmony chucks her water at Phyllis.


"I can't believe that you would let her speak to us in this way." Harmony begins to get emotional so she runs off to the bathroom with Adriana, Mila and Phoebe in tow. 

"Miss Raymond, I think it would be best if you left." Colin politely says. 

"Oh don't think I don't know about your bad boy lifestyle." She kisses her teeth at him. "I'll leave when I want to."

"Don't even try him you miserable old bat." Jenna stands in Phyllis's face. "You need to leave or you'll meet Vivi."

"You don't scare me, child." 

"This is not what I had planned." Rafael mournfully states to Joe as Jenna and Phyllis argue. "I just wanted to make this announcement."

Just as the girls are coming out of the bathroom Phyllis slaps Jenna and Irina lunges at her only to be caught by Rafael.

"LEAVE!" Rafael demands of his mother.


"Just leave ma, you've ruined everything for me tonight." He sighs as he turns to his siblings. "I'm sorry for her behaviour and I deeply apologise to you Jenna."

Jenna sneers at Phyllis as she packs up her bags and leaves. Tyler follows behind her making sure that she is completely gone before returning to his seat and reassuring the managers that everything is calm.

"I don't give a shit Raf." Jenna declares. "You ain't gotta apologise, you did nothing wrong."

"Hollywood whore." Harmony scoffs as she collects her bag. "The only thing that I am, apparently."

"Don't take it to heart, babe." Irina tries to get close to Harmony only to get shrugged off. 

"I love you, Rafael but I can't stand for that." Harmony announces. "Unless this news is really important, I would like to leave."

"And you shouldn't." He kisses her forehead. "I'll make the announcement now."

"Boy we been waiting." Phoebe claims as the siblings all take a seat as Rafael remains standing.

"I'm moving to LA!" They all cheer. "I'm also expecting my third child." Harmony jumps up and engulfs him in a hug as the others get up to surround him.

"I am so happy for you Rafael, you're living your dream life." Harmony sweetly says.

Joe gives Rafael a pat on a back as Tyler gives him a bro hug.

"Give the rest of us a chance to catch up man." They chuckle with eachother as Colin fakes a smile.


Jenna's POV:

I know that this must be hurting Colin's heart since he really wants a child, he's always wanted to become a dad. He was with his wife, Tika, for 10 years and they were unable to conceive a child after years of trying. Naturally, it caused pressure on their marriage and it's part of the reason why they are separated and currently going through a divorce.

Going through a divorce is tough, trust me I'm going through it now. I just want my baby brother to be happy but I know that he won't be for a long time and that's a shame.


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