Episode 12: Shit Happens

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Adriana's POV:

"Your facial structure is amazing

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"Your facial structure is amazing." My makeup artist for the day states as he continues to compliment my skin and my beauty. "All of you Palominos have such amazing bone structure."

"Thank you so much." I reply as I have my pictures taken for our website. 

Today we are shooting for Palomino Lingerie and we are also doing some beauty shots for our website. The beauty shots are also going to go into our stores which we will open later this year. We have decided to release the first collection of underwear online then we will later open up the store.

"Are my sisters ready?" I ask while getting up from my chair. 

"WE ARE WAITING FOR YOUR ASS!" I hear Harmony shout and I roll my eyes as I make my way out of the dressing room.

"You look beautiful." I stare at Phoebe and Harmony in awe. 

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Adriana's POV:

I'm slightly becoming concerned with Harmony. She's pregnant and claims to be a few months in but I see no bump developing. She has a flat stomach and occasionally she looks bloated but nothing that screams pregnancy. 

Now I don't want to be a bitch and think that she is lying but Irina's words are floating around in my head.


"When will you announce your pregnancy to the public?" I ask Harmony as we sip on water.

"After the VS show." She states while giving me a blank look. "I'll walk the show then announce it."

"Are you sure that you should do the show?" I ask while looking at her, puzzled. "We go through intense training and cleansing."

She gives me a weird look.

"If Alessandra Ambrosio can do it then so can I." She puts her bottle of water down. "Now stop distracting me."


The girls start shooting for Palomino Lingerie for over an hour with multiple outfit changes. Phoebe starts slacking and is finding it difficult to hold particular poses. The sisters decide to just go ahead and shoot the beauty shots as they begin to worry about Phoebe.


Harmony's Confessional:

I am beginning to freak out since Phoebe is swaying all over the place. I'm trying to call the shoot off but Phoebe is having none of it. If I see one more sway then this shoot is over and I'm taking her home.


Harmony's POV:

"You good, Pheebs?" I ask her as I watch as her pictures upload on the screen. She still looks flawless but it's not enough to disguise whatever is going on. "Do you need some water?"

I look up at her once I hear her grunt.

"Ok, that's a wrap." I announce and everyone stares at me. "Something is going on with Pheebs so this shoot is over."

Phoebe tries to argue but ends up passing out.

"PHOEBE!" Adriana and I both scream as we rush over to her. I almost slip but luckily Adriana steadies me while giving me a warning look as we get to Phoebe.

Within minutes we have someone who knows first aid helping as we sit besides her. I have her head supported on my lap as the person tries to check to see what is wrong and if whether she is still breathing. Adriana is getting a hold of our family and letting them know what just went down."


Things seem to be calm before an ambulance is called and things go into a frenzy. Filming shuts down for the day but the camera crew is able to catch the rest of Palominos landing on their private jet before heading to the hospital.

A few days later and Phoebe is ok.


Adriana's Conessfional:

These past few days have been crazy

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These past few days have been crazy. Phoebe went from passing out at our shoot to being taken to the hospital. We almost lost our girl but luckily all is well and she is doing really good, it's not something that we really want to discuss.

The past few days have also been crazy because we found out that Irina is back with Cristiano even though he is having a child with another woman. (Tilts her head) Phoebe is dating Paul Wesley and everyone found out who I am sleeping with.


Harmony's POV:

"What's wrong baby?" My mom asks me while I lounge on my sun bed with my phone to the ear. I look over at Phoebe who is floating in the pool with Adriana.

"I think Neymar is seeing other people." I state while taking a deep breath. "Demi posted a selfie and they looked awfully close. Then Neymar posted one as well."

"How are you feeling about that?" I kiss my teeth.

"I feel like he is an asshole, I don't even care that he came to daddy's party. I'm pregnant and he left me when he should have stayed." I pull my hair back into a low bun as I feel the tears spring to my eyes. "I'm just so stressed and I don't know if I want this anymore."

"You will not have an abortion." I don't say anything and my mother looks at me in shock before shouting. "HARMONY I WILL BEAT YOUR ASS, YOU WILL NOT KILL YOUR CHILD." 

"I'm not going to." I reply.

"You will have your baby. Trust me when I say good things are coming your way."

"I just miss him." I sniffle.

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