Episode 5: For You

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Phoebe's Confessional:

Our brother Joe has invited us on the set of his music video, For You. He actually wrote the song for the sisters and he decided to have us starring in the music video since it's for us. I remember going to the studio and bawling my eyes out because it was so heartfelt. 

It was during the time where we weren't speaking and lost a sense of who we were.


Jenna's Confessional:

Often times people assume that the reality show is the reason why we have the problems that we have but we have been on TV for over a decade. We've always had our issues and that's fact. What people see on the show isn't even a quarter of what goes on outside of the show. The show just allows for people to see that we are just like y'all.


Jenna's POV: 

I look at my sisters with a smile as we watch over the footage of us lip syncing to For You. It came out so beautiful and Joe made a good creative decision of having it filmed in black and white.

 It came out so beautiful and Joe made a good creative decision of having it filmed in black and white

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"Thank you Harmony." Joe blurts out and we all look at him confused, "You didn't takeover the shoot like you usually do."

We all laugh as Harmony winks at him.

"You shouldn't speak so soon, you did disappear a few times while we were shooting." She says with a smirk.

Joe groans before pulling her close and ruffling her hair.

"JOE!" She screeches before pushing him away. Once she finally gets him off she wraps her arms around Phoebe. "We have to leave now, we have plans."

Before anyone can say anything Harmony drags Phoebe off set. I sigh as I watch after them, I feel guilty knowing that I've done her wrong knowing that she needed me.

"You guys really need to sort this whole thing out." Joe states as he begins to watch over the footage, "Soon she won't even do business with you."

"Why do you say that?" Irina asks while crossing her arms and Joe raises one brow at her.

"She rarely invites you guys to anything or to any of the business related meetings. She's tolerating you guys for work but she leaves." Joe responds before scoffing, "All this fighting is pointless, she's pregnant and she needs you guys. Just be there for her, communicate."

Irina pulls a face and Adriana nudges her.

"You carry on pulling all those faces but when Harmony doesn't let you have anything with her children then you will think twice." I look at Joe curiously as he walks away from us.

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