Episode 10: Life

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Mila's POV:

"You'd think I'm full term." I comment with a laugh as we make our way back to our car.

"You're carrying a watermelon." Ashton comments and I nudge him.

"I'm carrying your big baby." I whine as I shield my face from the paparazzi who have been following us for the past hour. Ashton and I decided to take a late night drive then a walk but we were obviously spotted and now we are done for the day.

"How did your family take the news of us moving?" Ashton asks as he helps me put on the seatbelt while I lock the car doors

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"How did your family take the news of us moving?" Ashton asks as he helps me put on the seatbelt while I lock the car doors.

"Some took it better than others. Of course they weren't happy about me moving further away but they understand that it is my life and I'm thinking about the best interest of my family." I answer as he starts the car. "We should also get a new car."

"We already have 3 and not including the ones in Brazil." Ashton states while pulling off.

"Then we sell this one then or donate, whatever." I wave it off. 

"We've had sex in this car." My mouth drops before I cover my mouth, hiding the laughter. "We had sex in here just before we went for the walk and wh---"

I slap his arm, "ASHTON! WE'RE BEING FILMED!" 

I crack up as Ashton looks right into the camera, "She's a freak."



Mila's Confessional:

Ashton was totally lying. It wasn't that car. (Laughs)


Jenna's Confessional:

I called off my divorce. (Production team cheers and she laughs)


Jenna's POV:

I scream out in pure happiness as Channing chases me around the beach, I'm totally aware of everyone filming us but I don't even care.  I know that I made the right decision by calling off the divorce.

Even when we were separating, Channing was still very much there for me and our daughter. We've known eachother for over a decade and I just couldn't let that go without trying to rebuild it. We both had our part to play but time apart made me aware of how selfish I had been throughout the relationship, I didn't compromise as much as I should've.

 We both had our part to play but time apart made me aware of how selfish I had been throughout the relationship, I didn't compromise as much as I should've

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He grabs me by the waist and twirls me around as we laugh.

"I got you babe." He playfully sings to me and I wrap my arms around his neck. "I miss this."

"Miss what?" I softly ask.

"The fun side of us." I peer into his eyes. "Prior to going through the divorce, we just became so serious and we lost ourselves. We pushed ourselves more into our work so that we wouldn't have to deal with eachother and that was wrong of us. We weren't cool anymore."

Channing always finds a way to bring some playfulness into serious conversations but I know how hurt he is by all this. Just because I called off the divorce doesn't mean that he isn't able to feel hurt by all of this because I was the one ready to finalise everything.

"I'm sorry that I had to take those steps but I believe that it helped us." He looks me in the eyes while cupping my face. "I used to cry myself to sleep every night, every smile or laugh that I shared with you over the past year has been fake but right now, I am so happy."

He leans his forehead against mine, "I love you."

"I love you."


Irina's Confessional:

I have recently fallen in love with somebody new and I couldn't be happier. I hate that the media found out so early and told the whole world because I definitely wanted this relationship to be private. 


Irina's POV:

We are currently in New York for a short day trip. I am definitely am happy to be with Bradley Cooper, he is an amazing man and I am so grateful to be his partner.

 I am definitely am happy to be with Bradley Cooper, he is an amazing man and I am so grateful to be his partner

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I can't help but think about Phoebe and how she must be feeling. I have always seen her as a Palomino regardless of what the media has said in the past but to think that she may not actually be related to us is a shock.

I'm not close to Phoebe so I can't just pop up to her demanding more information. Everything has genuinely just been a wreck especially since finding out that Harmony lost a baby and I was a partial cause to this.

It really made me hate myself but Bradley has been helping me discover myself, he is helping me become a better person.

"You really do make me happy." I state as I slip my arm around his waist and he smiles at me.


"You are amazing and you have helped me build a better character." I confess with a sigh, "I was a total bitch to my family, not caring about their feelings but you have been helping me own up to my mistakes."

"Well, I'm pleased that you think that but it's all down to you." He gives me a soft smile. "I just helped give you a little push."

"I'm grateful."

"You shouldn't have to be. You are still young, you are only 19 years old and all you needed was for somebody to listen to you." Bradley says with a guilty look on his face as he hangs his face down.

"Is this about my age?" I ask as I stop us in place, wrapping both of my arms around his neck. "I wouldn't be with you, if I didn't want to. I know that the media makes me out to be a bad girl but I'm truly not. I may be young but I do know that my feelings for you are true."

He caresses my face, "It's crazy that I've fallen for you in such a short amount of time." 

I shrug my shoulders with a smile, "What can I say? I'm a Palomino."

I lean forward and our lips briefly meet.

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