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Jessie's p.o.v
"Ethan can you take me to my moms now" I ask he nods he stands up and grabs his keys I follow him outside.

I get in his car and he starts it up and drives to my moms "what the address" he asks me "Parkhurst dr. 43526" he nods and keeps driving "jess" "hm" "I need you to live with me" "I'm sorry what" "I need you to live with me just for now just until I know you are safe if jack knows you are with you're mom or anyone besides me he will take you to Ryan easily because he doesn't have to fight for you" "jack?" I question wondering who that is "dail" he says "oh" "fine I'm only doing this cause my life is at risk not for you or anyone else" "okay" he says pulling into my drive way "hurry up" he says "you are coming in get you're ass out this car let's go" I demand.

"Okay" he sighs opening the car door. I walk up to the door and knock on it "mom" I shout "open the door" the door swings open "sweetie" she says pulling me into a hug "hi mom uh this is Ethan" she examines him "who is he" "he's my friend" "why haven't I met him" "mom to many questions" I say grabbing Ethan's arm and dragging him in the house.

"Well ma I'm moving in with him" "honey I don't even know him" "but I do" I say she sighs "okay you're 18 I can't stop you from leaving the house" I nod "where is Monica" "she called and told me that she would be here soon actually right before you got here she called" "Ooo" I say "so Ethan tell me a little about yourself" my mom asks "uh okay" he says sitting down.

"My name is Ethan Dolan I had a brother I have a sister my dad passed away when I was 19 as well as my brother" "I'm sorry to hear that Ethan" she says with sorrow in her voice "where do you work" " " I have a company Dolan enterprises" he says proudly "oh that is wonderful" "okay mom that's enough Ethan lets go upstairs" he nods getting up.

I lead him up to my room he walks in and sits down I grab a suitcase and put some stuff in it I grab my brush my toothbrush my shoes my cloths my makeup and some other things. "How come I didn't know about you're company?" I ask "Well probably because when my dad and brother died it was shut down because I couldn't do it by myself I still make money off of it though" "How" I ask him " I honestly don't know but after I shut that down I started a new job and I still have the job" "What is the job" I ask zipping up the suitcase "I'll tell you when I'm ready to" "Okay".

We walk back downstairs and I see mom sitting on the couch I drop my suitcase on the floor and run to her and hug her so tight "God I missed you so much" I say hugging her even tighter "I missed you more Jess" she says pulling away from the hug. Ethan comes from behind me handing me my stuff "Well Ethan long time no see" she says looking at him up and down "yeah" he says as we stand here in awkward silence.

"Okay well we should get going" I say "You are living with him" she asks me confused "Y-Yeah I guess" "Bye Mrs.Coleman" Ethan says walking out "I'll be right out" I tell him "Jess he is gonna hurt you I'm telling you please listen" "I don't get why you are calling him a psychopath he seems normal" I tell her "Trust me he has his moments when he will just go off for no reason and it usually happens when he doesn't take his meds" she says "Maybe I can help him" "Whatever Jess just don't fall in love" I hug her goodbye and I tell my mom I love her before walking out and getting into Ethan's car.


"Here let me see that" Ethan says opening the door and grabbing my suitcase. We walk inside his house and he takes my stuff to my room.

"So let's talk a little since we don't know much about each other" I say sitting on his couch. "So my name is Jessie Lee Coleman uhm I'm 18 I was born October 13th 1999 I grew up in L.A I graduated I plan on going to college to be a lawyer. Not to long ago my dad died he got into a car accident and me and my mom decided it was best just to move to New Jersey. My bestfriends name is Monica Marie Reese we have been friends since we were in second grade uh I met a girl named Jacklyn seer not that long ago I like her she is nice but I'm not to sure if we are friends. So yeah that's all I can really think of that you should know about me." I tell him.

"Well My name is Ethan Grant Dolan I'm 23 years old I was born December 16th 1994 I have a twin brother named Grayson Bailey Dolan he d-died when I was 19 so did my dad they both died the same day but I have a sister named Cameron Dolan she's older then me. I graduated high school went to college for a year I did have a company with my dad and brother but after they passed I just left it behind but for some reason I still make money off of it. I may be a little crazy after my dad and brother died I was doing dumb shit and the hospital put me on mess for anger anxiety and mental break downs (a/n I don't know if there is actual pills for that so don't come after me(:) and if I don't take them my anger gets the best of me and I start to break things and hurt people because I'm not to sure of what's going on around me most of the time I just cry about how much I miss Grayson I miss my dad but I miss Grayson way more. So I guess Monica was right I'm a psycho but yeah that's it don't have much else to tell you." He tells me.

"Uhm you wanna order a pizza or something and we can watch movies and shit" Ethan asks "yeah that would be fun" I say a bit excited. He grabs his phone out his pocket to order while I go to the other room to talk to Jacklyn because I never called her after I left her at the club. "Hello" "hey Jackie I'm sorry I didn't tell you what happened at the club" "oh it's fine haha don't worry about it" "oh okay" "what have you been up to bb" Jackie asked "nothing much just moved in with this guy" "oooo who" she asks "I met him at Starbucks that day I met you and he kinda is keeping me safe I guess" I say "oh I'm not even gonna ask but when you get the chance we should hang out" she says probably smiling " yeah I would love to and you could meet my bestfriend Monica she's is here for a little bit" I say "okay great talk to you later" I hang up and go back to the living room.

"Sorry I was talking to Jackie" "it's fine I ordered pineapple pizza And pepperoni pizza" "okay sounds good" I say sitting next to him.He gets up and walks to the kitchen I follow him. I sit on the counter as he grabs some plates from the cabinet he turns around and looks at me intensely "what" I ask smiling "you are really beautiful" I feel my face heat up as I look down smiling like a dumb ass he walks over to my and pulls my chin up with his index finger.

He looks at me in the eyes God his eyes are beautiful. My eyes trail down to his lips and back to his eyes his hand slithers around to my back and his other gripping my thigh I feel my breathing get heavier as he slowly leans in and I do to.

He brings his hand up to my jawline and makes his way to the back of my neck I turn my head and he places soft wet kisses on my jaw he makes his way down to my neck and starts to suck on it I grip on his hair he pulls my body closer to him as he stands in between my legs I start to moan as he sucks on my collar bone "Ethan uhh" I moan as he sucks my sweet spot he slips his hand under my shirt as he is about to grab my boob the door bell rings "fuck" he says frustrated.

I hope you liked it baby's I love you all



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