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Jessie's p.o.v
"Grayson" I say he smiles lord he had a gorgeous smile similar to Ethan's almost it's just Grayson has a prettier smile and Ethan has nicer teeth "How's Ethan holding up" he asks "He's I don't know he misses you and your dad" I tell him he nods "He needs to move on,forget about us and live his life he is still so young he needs to stop blaming himself for my death and everything else he blames himself for" he says "Yeah I know but we aren't on the best of terms right now" I say looking down at the green grass "Forgive him,not for you not for him for me,forgive him for me, ever since you came around he seems happy well almost happy again you keep him occupied" he says "Don't leave him he needs you he just doesn't want to believe it, he wants you he just doesn't see it, he thinks I'm not there but I watch him all the time I'm always by his side I never really left it and I never will I see what he does the bad things and the good he is hurting you he just doesn't know it and you don't really know either until you find out what he is doing" he says shaking his head "What is he doing?" I ask "You'll find out sooner or later just promise me that you will never leave him he needs you as much as he pushes you away don't let him he needs you he just doesn't see it yet,and deep down you need him too" he says "I'm not going back" I say as I feel a striking pain go through my body "Shit" I curse holding my chest as it happens again "You don't have a choice" he says "Grayson" I say he hums in response "Does he love me" I ask "Ye-" before he could finish his sentence my eyes flutter open.

"Oh my baby" my mother says holding my face I look over to see Monica crying "Monica" I manage to say "Jess" she says holding me I wince in pain as she backs off so she doesn't hurt me I look around to see breathing tubes attached to me and cuts on my arms "What happened" I ask feeling tears run down my face "Where is e-Ethan" I say as my voice cracks the doctor walks over to me lifting my gown up pulling out the staples "Ow! Fuck that hurts" I shout looking down at my tummy seeing a huge cut "You came in with cuts and a piece of glass in you're stomach we got it out and cleaned it and put staples in it we cleaned all your other wounds and they are healing nicely not leaving any scars as we can see,but the one on you're stomach will leave a scar it should heal in a day or two" the doctor says "How long have I been in here" I ask "3 days" he says my eyes widen "Where is Ethan" I ask "He left a few hours ago after he seen you stopped breathing" he says "How long was I gone for" I ask him "a good three hours" he says I nod laying my head back.

My mom runs the top of my hand with her thumb "You are able to leave tomorrow morning"she says softly I nod looking at Monica sleeping "You will be coming home with me" she says "We will take you to get some stuff from Ethan's" she says "Mom I- I want to stay with him" I say "You can't honey I won't allow you to" she says shaking her head looking down "I can't do what I want to do I'm fucking 19 years old!" I say raising my voice "Yeah and I'm your mother and what I say goes he isn't good for you" she says "How do you know what is good for me you didn't even accept me as your child when you found out I was pregnant you told me that I wasn't your kid cause no kid of yours was gonna get pregnant as a teenager! Your exact words were 'if you have that baby don't come to me asking what to do or for any help I won't accept it as my grandchild and as of right now I'm not accepting you as my child' so don't say you know what is best for me when you don't know shit about Ethan!" I yell at her she shakes her head as tears pour from her eyes "You are a bitch,you never let anyone help you" she shouts I look at her with wide eyes "Leave don't come back I don't want you here" I say crying Monica rubs her eyes seeing that I'm crying she rushes over to me holding me "I won't come back then" she says "Good!" I shout as she shuts the door "Calm down" Monica says rubbing my arm up and down.

"You can leave" I tell Monica "Are you sure?" She asks me I nod "Ethan is picking me up" I tell her she nods she kisses the top of my head walking out and shutting the door behind her.

My phone starts ringing and I answer it "Hey jacks" I say "Oh god I heard about what happened mon called me are you okay" she ask "Yes I'm fine sorry that I haven't talked to you I have a lot going on" I say she giggles "You are fine don't worry about it" she says "So what have you been up to" I ask her "Well in going to Florida with my mom for her birthday" she says excited "That's great have fun" I say "I will,well I'll call you later I hope you feel better,bye!" She says hanging up the door opens up revealing Ethan and a doctor "Just sign here and she is free to go" he says Ethan takes the paper signing it the doctor nods and walks out "Hey" he says sticking his hands in his pockets "Hey" I smile "You ready to get out of here" he says scratching the back of his neck I nod he grabs my hand pulling me to my feet as we walk to the bathroom so I can change "here" he says handing me my cloths about to shut the door but I stop him "Can I get some help" I ask him he nods shutting the door behind him.

I untie the gown from around my neck as it falls off my body I look at myself in the mirror touching the cuts as I go to the one on my stomach I feel a tear roll down my cheek "I'm ug-" I was cut off by Ethan "You are beautiful" he says rubbing my arm up and down admiring my naked body his hot breath fans my neck as he places a small kiss on my shoulder I turn around looking at him as he bends down on his knees in front of me he kisses my stomach where the wound is making me get goosebumps "You are absolutely stunning" he says grabbing my underwear and pulling them up over my legs he stands up taking my bra and pulling it up my arms and clipping it together he takes my legging lifting them up my legs and my shirt pulling it over my head he hands me a hoodie as I slip it on my arms. "It's a bit chilly today" he says "Yeah it's the end of October" I say chuckling.

He opens the car door for me and I hop in,he goes to the other side getting in and starting the car. We drive down the road to his house "I saw Grayson" I say he stops the car in his drive way "W-what" he stutters "I saw him" I say "Where" he asks me "In heaven" I say a tear slips from his eye "I'll tell you what happened come on let's go inside" I say holding his hand as we get out the car.

We walk into the living room as I sit down he grabs me a ice pack from the freezer as I place it on my stomach "So" he says "Well I guess I died and I went to heaven while I was up there I saw Grayson he was absolutely beautiful" I say causing Ethan to smile "He told me that he is always with you and he sees everything you do good and bad he said that he had never actually left your side he's been with you very step of the way,he said that you need me you just don't see it yet he said I need you deep down as well,he told me you are hurting me you just don't realize it and I don't know yet" I say playing with my fingers Ethan sits there in shock "I do n-need you" he croaks out making my heart flutter "Do you need me?" He asks as I look at him in his eyes and I see hope in them,hope that I will say I need him "Yes I do need you" I say he smiles wiping the tears under his eyes "Grayson will always be with you trust me,he said you need to move on you have a life ahead of you,you are still young" I tell him he nods "I'm not gonna leave you Ethan" I tell him as tears slip from his eyes.

I move closer to him pulling his chin up with my pointer finger "Even if I'm not here with you,I won't leave you I promise" I say (don't make promises you can't keep://) "Its just every time I let someone in they leave and thats why I don't let people close to me anymore" he says "Cause everyone I love leaves" he says as my heart rate picks up "I don't want you to leave" he says "You love me?" I ask "Yes I love you,jess" he says as my heart pounds out of my chest and my eyes begin to water and a smile spreads across my face he looks at me a bit worried "Do you love me?" He asks"I-I".


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