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Jessie's p.o.v
I wake up to the sun shining in my face as I rub my eyes. I walk into the bathroom and turn on the water to the shower I hop in as the water falls down my face to my shoulders and down my back relaxing me.

I grab the towel wrapping it around my body and walking in my room. As I'm going through my dresser to find what I want to wear my phone starts to ring. "Hey mom" I say cheerfully "Hi sweetie I was wondering if you are busy today" she asks "Uh no I'm not actually but when am I ever" I say chuckling "So maybe I can take you out to lunch,since you're birthday is in 2 days and I have a business trip starting tomorrow so I won't be able to see you" she says softly, I smile even though she can't see "I would love to, what time" I ask her "Uhm how about 3:00" she asks "Sounds great I'll see you then, I'll send the address, I love you" I say "Love you too hun bye bye" she says as the line goes dead.

I look at the time as it's says 1:45, I grab a pair of black joggers and a grey tee shirt, I grab some underwear and put them on, I pull my pants up over them and throw the shirt on "fuck wearing a bra today" I say in my thoughts , I put on some socks and walk back to the bathroom. I brush my teeth and hair, and I throw my hair up in a messy bun.

I walk into the kitchen and grab a water, I turn around to see Ethan in his boxers with messy hair he looked freaking adorable "Morning  jess" he says in a raspy voice, I'm wet "Morning, I'm going with my mom today" I tell him "Okay I'll leave the key under the mat, I have things to do today" he says I just nod walking in the living room and sitting on the couch.

I scroll through twitter as I see nothing but drama, I just press the home button going to my gallery, I look at the pictures of me and my friends, I come across a picture of me and Ryan as memories flood through my brain of all the hell he put me through but I still managed to love him even though I wasn't exactly in love with him "Delete it" a deep voice says that I know as Ethan "That's what I was about to do buddy" I say a bit irritated, I press the delete button and turn off my phone.

"Ethan are you okay" I ask as I see that his knuckles are turning white as he squeezes the glass in his hand "Ethan" I say again as he still ignores me I get up and try to grab the glass from him, he looks up at me and breaks the glass and his hand starts to bleed "Ethan let go of the glass,you are already bleeding" I say trying to take the broken glass from him without getting cut.

He gets up pushing me as I stumble back falling in the table luckily without it breaking, what the hell is wrong with him I follow him in the kitchen as he is rummaging through the cabinets looking for something "Eth what are you looking for" I ask softly trying not to anger him more "Gray help me!" He says shouting "Ethan Grayson isn't here" I say with sorrow.

He slams the cabinet as it breaks a little, he falls to the floor banging his fist against it. He starts to sob "I need Grayson it's my FAULT  he's gone EVERYONE DIES BECAUSE OF ME!" He says trying to hold in his sobs I walk over to him and get in my knees next to him I rub his arm softly as his muscles soften and his body relaxes "I just need him, Grayson I'm so so sorry please come back" he says lowly "I - I need y-you j-just come back" he says crying hysterically I rub his arm up and down as he puts his head in my chest and my shirt gets damp from his tears, but I don't really care.

"Shh it's okay Ethan,it is okay" I say in a low voice rub his arm and playing with his hair "I need him I always will e-even though I'm older than him, I will always need my younger b-brother" he says through his sobs, my heart aches for him "Dad is Gray okay, it seems like ever since he has left me my world doesn't spin anymore and- and my heart doesn't beat like it should, I- I miss you and Him he made me smile and l-laugh and it seems like ever since you guys left anytime I smile or laugh it's forced, I need Grayson and you but I need him more,y-you know how a person needs a heart to live, well Gray was my heart and I haven't lived since he d-died, I Need him more than I need my heart though, he's what kept me b-breathing" he says to himself while sobbing, I feel a tear roll down my cheek as I wipe it away (a/n I'm crying this isn't okay) "Ethan you need to take you're pills, come on get up" I say standing up as he gets up to and wipes his tears.

I go through the cabinets and pull out all his pills, I hand them to him and get a glass of water, he takes the pills and walks out the kitchen "I'm going to go shower" he says in like a angered tone? Well his mood changed fast. I look at the time and it's 2:56 as I'm putting my phone away I here a few beeps "Ill see you later Ethan" I shout walking out the door. I get into my moms car "Hi baby" she says leaning over and kissing my cheek "Hey" I say as she pulls out of the drive way I really hope he's gonna be okay.

My mom pulls into a diner and we get out her car. How many the lady asked "Just two" my mom says sweetly, the lady leads us to a table and we sit down "sooo how have you been?"my mom asks "Eh I have been okay, I hung out with my friends and watch tv and eat normal stuff" she nods "What about you?"I ask "Well I have been good working a lot but I met this guy and he is so sweet" she says smiling wide "That's great" I say I'm happy for her.

The waiter comes to our table and we order our food. "So what have you and that Ethan guy been up to" she asks "Nothing really we just talk and shit" I say "hmmm have you had sex" she ask making me choke on the water I was drinking "Mom!" I say "What I'm just asking" she says throwing her hands up in defense "No we haven't" I say truthfully even though I wish we had "Then what's those on you're neck" she asks me, oh shit I forgot he gave me hickeys last night "We have done things but not sex" I say trying not to make eye contact with her since we are talking about MY sex life "Why not" she asks me "Because he said he wants to wait till I'm 19" I say "That is weird,How old is he" she ask me "23" i tell her "You are an adult already what is the difference between 19 and 18" she says "I don't know mom he said he just wants to wait" I say she nods.


After lunch she takes me back to Ethan's "Thanks mom I had fun I love you" I say shutting the car door. I grab the key from under the mat and unlock the door, I walk in and the house is still messed up from earlier I should clean since Ethan fired Blake for some odd reason. (a/n wasn't in the chapters)

Ethan's p.o.v
She kisses my neck while I sit underneath her, I grab her by her waist and pick her up off of me and throw her on the bed, she smirks "Come daddy show me what you got" she say seductively low I rip off her dress and throw it to the side "Take off you're underwear" I tell her she does as I say, I pull down my jeans and yank off my shirt, she pulls me on top of her I kiss her aggressively as she turns us over so she is on top of me,she pulls down my adidas boxers and looks up at me a little upset "You aren't hard" she says in a little girl voice ugh I wish she was Jessie, jessie makes me hard without even trying "Just give me a bit of head that should work" I tell her she nods taking my full length in her mouth as I pull her hair.

She stops and I look down at my now hard on, I look at her as she smirks she climbs up to my face and kisses me she takes my dick in her hands and slowly puts it inside of her as she throws her head back and starts to bounce in me, I grab her hips to make her go faster, if only I had a picture of Jessie I could glue to her ugly face "Uhh uh Ethan help me go faster" she says moaning grabbing my hands and putting them on her boobs, might as well enjoy this, I grab her hips and set her on the bed "hands and knees" I say as she obeys I take her hair in my hand and I slam into her "Fuck Daddy!!" She moans out loud.

I pull out and turn her around I shove my dick into her mouth and nut she swallows it and I fall back into the bed "Round two" she ask looking at me. I get up out the bed and get dressed.

"Ahh come on Ethan" she begs "I can't" I tell her "Why not" she ask "Because I can't" I tell her annoyed "How about tomorrow" she asks "Nope" I say "Ethan please,why won't you love me we have known each other for years" she says with her annoying as little girl voice I don't understand why I ever even dated her and how she ever even turned me on, she is ugly. I set money on her nightstand paying her back the money for her dress I ripped "Really Ethan I'll never get you" she says angry

"Meredith I just can't"I say walking out her house and leaving.

Soooo for all the people who like Meredith I'm sorry I don't personally like her and it has nothing to do with Ethan and her I just don't like her:))



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