drink intil we drop

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After 20 minutes of calling out for the waiter I finally get our drinks. "Took you long enough" kol yells over the music. "Next time you can get them asshole" i yell. He smirks. "Anyway come on lets dance becca" i say pulling her away from damon and kol and towards the dance floor. I smile as we dance on each other and every guy stares besides damon of course because if he was i would smack him. Hes dating Elena for gods sake. We get glares from girls all over the club.

After dancing for an hour 2 guys walk over to us. "You girls sisters" the one with blonde hair asks. "Shes one of my bestfriends but no not sisters" i say smiling. After way to much flirting we end up making out. He kinda looks like klaus-. What are you talking about caroline your tongues down this guys throat and your thinking about klaus. I pull my head back. "Whats wrong" he asks confused. "Im sorry I Cant do this. Im only kissing you because I just broke up with my boyfriend and your my rebound. I have to go bye." I say shaking my head and standing up. He grabs me and looks in my eyes trying to compel me. "Your gonna stay and your gonna do whatever I want." He says smirking. I feel uterally disgusted. "Can you come with me real quick." I ask having a plan in my head. "Of course" he smirks thinking hes gonna get laid. I lead him to an alley way and i turn and reach into his chest and wrap my fingers around his heart. "You are disgusting," I growl as Irip his heart out of his chest.  He yells in agony. I walk back into club and smile when I see kol raising his eyebrows at me hearing the scream. "Where is Becca and Damon" i ask noticing them gone. "Went home. Anyways I have to do something and it doesnt mean anything okay nothing at all." He says. "Okayyy....." I say slowly confused. Kol grabs my waist and kisses me hard. I melt into the kiss but notice i wished it was klaus. I push away. It was not good at all. I mean yes he is an amazing kisser but it felt like it should be someone else. Its silent and awkward until kol talks. "So..." He asks. "It felt wrong"i say not looking up at him. "Okay now i know were on the same page. Caroline I love you, like a sister though and i would kill anyone who would try to hurt you. So i just want you to know im not attracted to you and im not hanging out with you so i can seduce you. I actually care about you okay." I wipe a tear away before it can fall. "I feel exactly the same way." I say hugging him. "Oh i forgot to tell you" he says wrapping me up in his jacket and walking out of the club. "What"i ask. "Since that mutt tyler left klaus took his house so im taking you there so you dont have to stay with the salvatores anymore. Because you dont want to stay at your moms house because Silas can get to you. So I was wondering if you want to stay with me. Until we kill Silas and all." He was rambiling on. "Yes, i would love to stay with you guys I love you and Rebecca. But are you sure klaus will let me." I ask. "Oh he will be thrilled i mean it's you." He says smiling.

Kol walks into the Mikealsons front door and tells me to come in. Apparently klaus forced Tyler to hand over the house and Klaus put his name on the house papers so its his now. Kol leads me to the living room. We stand there and watch klaus draw a flower. "Kol would you stop prying and leave me alone." Klaus says annoyed without turning around.

"We have a guest who will be staying with us for awhile." Kol says smirking. "And who might that be"klaus says as he keeps sketching. "I think you know her, miss Caroline Forbes"kol says this and klaus whirls around. All I can say is," Hi.". "Well make yourself at home I guess. Now please leave me alone Kol."klaus says elaborating the last word. I go to walk out but klaus tells me to stay. "Ill see you in the morning I guess. Bye Caroline." Kol says winking at me and klaus before he hurries up stairs. I blush and just smile. "Why are you here Caroline because if I remember right you left last night crying without another word." He says looking at me with his hands behind him. "I am here because Kol invited me. I left last night because I was going through something. Im tired of all this silas drama and Elenas annoying ass love triangle. It's all to much." He flashes right in front of me.
"I offered to take you anywhere Paris, Rome, Tokyo. But you didnt want too."
"I cant just leave my friends klaus." I cry out.
"Caroline i'm leaving. My whole family is. I'm sorry I know you got close to Kol and Becca but we have to get our home back. Were going to New Orleans tommorrow night." My heart drops to my stomach.
"No your not they wouldnt just leave me like that"i say as a tear slips from my eye.
"They would if it meant getting our home back. The one we lost so long ago." I flash towards him and smack him in the face. He looks like hes about to rip my head off. But calms down. "You new that I was getting close to them and you let me knowing you would just take them away."
"Your the one who gets to talk. I saw you with Kol kissing him." He says rage pouring off of him.
"Your doing this because of a kiss." I yell out.
"No i'm doing this because my family needs to get away from this place and get our home back. Also so you can stop dragging us along." He screams walking closer to me causing me to hit a wall and him lean in close to my face. "It was nothing klaus I have no feelings for Kol you idiot. Im in love with you."I scream. His eyes go wide. I couldnt believe I just said that. He leans back and turns around not staring at me. After a long silence that feels like an enternity he talks. "Your not just saying this so I will stay because no matter what we have to leave." Some how i manage to say no. He zooms towards me and looks into my wide eyes and my heart beats extremly fast. Im tired of waiting so I grab his neck and pull his mouth towards me. It's the best kiss I've ever had. It was such a passionate kiss. One that was very over due. He picks me up and I quickly wrap my legs around him. He flashes to another wall. His kisses move to my neck. A moan escapes me and he smiles and continues. I kiss back with just as much force. He kisses me harder. We flash again and im in a bedroom. He lays me down and looks at me as if asking if this is okay. I nod quickly. He climbs ontop of me and puts his hands on either side of my head. I pull his shirt over his head and smile up at him. I stare at his body. I dont deserve this i think in my head. Why would he want me. He can have any girl and he chooses me. A small town nothing. He balls up my shirt and rips it off. All of my thoughts change once i see the way he stares at my body. Like hes been waiting for this for an enternity. We start pulling of each others clothes off as we kiss each other all over. Soon we're naked and he puts himself into me. I moan as he moves his hips faster and faster. Moans and groans feel the room. I dont care if everyone can hear us. Its just me and him that matter at this moment. We both meet our climax. We fall off each other and he kisses me from top to bottom. We soon fall asleep together in each others arms as he runs his fingers down and up my arm.

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