baby shower

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"Oh my god Rebecca look at this one." I say holding up a pink little dress at the baby store.
"Its so cute but how do we know its a girl."
"Maybe we should just get both genders."
"Okay well lets check out and head home."

I walk and reach the front door in a dress becca had begged me to buy. I put it on before we came home because she told me we were going out. It was a beautiful white maternity dress that showed off my stomach. It had long sleeves and the sleeves were sheer. The back was long but the front reached my knees.

I open the door and a group of people stand there and scream surprise. A huge sign is set up that says baby shower.

I stand there smiling and laughing. Rebecca walks besides me and i hug her. A bunch of people were there but the one's i noticed were my mom, elena, matt, jeremy, alaric, damon, Katerina, bonnie, stefan, kol, Elijah, and Klaus. I walk into the crowd and hug klaus and kiss him.
"Thank you" i says smiling up at him.
"No problem love. But honestly Rebecca planned it."
I pull away and greet everybody.
I get to my mom.
"Hi mom." I say hugging her a single tear falling from my eye.
"Hey baby. Your getting big arnt you."
I laugh.
Damon walks over and says,"Wow your huge" he touches my stomach and the baby kicks. His eyes widen. So far the baby only kicked for Elijah.
"Oh my god it kicked." I yell smiling.
"No it didn't." He says pulling away. Everybody gathers around. I grab his hand and the baby kicks again. I look up at him and he actually smiles. Not smirks or grins but smiles. I look and see klaus frowning. I grab his hand and the baby kicks for him for the first time. He smiles up at me. The baby kicks again and the feet imprint into my stomach. It does it again but this time 3 feet apear. I gasp and Klaus steps back. Everybody looks surprised. But we all get interrupted by rebecca. "Hey everybody thanks for coming. The first activity is about to start. The table over there has a chalk board. You're gonna right your name under which one you think its gonna be a boy or girl." She walks off the stage i walk away from the group to go put down my guess. We wouldn't know the gender until the birth but it was fun to see what people thought.

I was still so confused as to what had just happened as i picked up the chalk and wrote my name under girl. Klaus began to walk over to me and my heart sped up.
"No need to be nervous love. I'm just comfused as to what happened there was 3 feet." He said writing his name under boy.

"You think its a boy." I say changing the subject.
"Dont change the subject love. I know when your distracting me."
"I honestly don't know. Either the baby has 3 feet or theres more than one. But just for tonight can we have fun and we'll figure it out in the morning."
"Absolutely what ever you wish. Lets go." He said holding his arm out to me. I wrap mine around his and we walk into the crowd.

"Okay so next game if you hear someone say baby you take thier clothes pin we gave you at the beginning. At the end of the party whoever has the most wins.

Kol looks at me challenging.
"Your on" I say walking to take everyones clothes pen. I pick Bonnie to begin with.
"Hey bon."
"So i was wondering if you were gonna tell anyone about....."
"About what"
"You know"
"The baby" we say whispering the whole time.
"Ha you said it I get your clothes pin."
"Oh my gosh caroline." She says laughing.

"PRESENTS." Rebecca yells out.
We were all in the ballroom. It was beautiful it was decorates with bears as the theme. Kol chose that because they call me care bear.

We all walk to the corner where a pile of presents were laid out on a table. I go through the ones of the people i didnt know first. I got clothes, diapers, and baby supplies. Like bottles.

I picked up the first one i saw was a box. It read from kol. I open it and it has a blanket that says welcome to the world kol and a necklace that has my initials on it bit instead of C.F it has C.M. on the back it says always and forever. I laugh at the blanket but tear up at the necklace.
"Shall we burn the blanket love." Klaus says from the crowd. They all laugh including me.
"Thank you kol" i say hugging him.
"No problem care."

Rebecca got me baby clothes. Her and my favorite onesies said, "My mom says no but my aunt rebecca says yes". The other two said, "Be jealous i have the best aunt and uncle ever and I love my uncle alot but my aunt's better."

Next i recieved clothes, baby bottles, and other stuff from stefan. Then i opened Damon and Elenas. Elena got me a maternity dress that said moma and a onesie that said baby. She also got me a picture frame of all of us on graduation. I memory flashes through my head of Klaus saving us from the witches. Damon got me a blanket that had Barbie written on it and a pregnant Barbie doll.
"Really Damon." I say smiling.
"What is it" kol asks.
I hold it up and he starts bursting out laughing. Damon grins.

Elijah got me a beautiful new daylight ring and a braclet for the baby for protection and it also had the properties of a daylight ring. I opened other stuff from matt, jer, and Alaric. I got to my mom's and in it was my bear from when i was little. I had buried it and Stefan helped me find it.

"Oh my god thank you mom."
"Your welecome honey."

I laid down in bed after the party exhausted. Kol had one the pin game. I think he compelled people but I had an amazing time. All of a sudden something clicked klaus didn't get me anything.
"Did you have fun love." He asks walking into the room.
"Yes it was amazing thank you. But why didnt you get me anything." He smiles at me.
"Here come with me." He says holding out his hand.

He leads me to a room I relize i saw klaus painting in before.
He opens it and inside is a hand made crib with crystals hanging from the roof. They sparkle off the light. It had a changing table and shelfs with stuff on it. Baby stuff of course. There was a closet full with baby clothes and ones i recieved that day. Kol and damons blanket laid in the crib. The best part was the walls. They were painted like a forest. Werewolfes were scattered through out it. Under the moon was a werewolf shining with a girl beside it holding its face. Then between them was a baby werewolf the most beautiful i have ever seen. I walk around the room touching stuff.
"So.. Do you like it."
"Do i like it. Its beautiful klaus every last detail. Thank you so much for everything." I say hugging him then kissing him.
"All for you love. Oh one more thing."
"Here" he says this and i look up at him. In his hands is a braclet it's lined with rubys and diamonds. In the inner part it says "forever and always- my love"
"I... I..."
"You what"
"I absolutely love it. Thank you so much."

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