New Orleans

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"Caroline you cant just go to New orleans." Elena pleads
"Why not I fought Silas and now Mystic Falls is safe for now. Plus im coming back I just dont know when yet." I say as i stuff some dresses into my bag then i add. "Anyone can come if they want" i yell out so they can all hear me. All of a sudden Bonnie and Stefan walk in with bags. "We're coming" they both say.
The plane ride was exhausting. But as we landed it was beautiful. New orleans felt like home. I had cried as I said bye to Matt, Jermey, Elena, Damon, Alaric, and my mom. But I needed a break from Mystic Falls.

     Me and Bonnie were sharing a hotel room while Stefan had the one next to us. We all walked out at the same time. "So I was thinking drinks" Stefan says smiling. I smile then say, "Me too"

   We walk into the first bar I see with Bonnie and Stefan behind me. I realized i had no idea where Klaus actually lived. We walk up to the bartender and sit down on the chairs. "What can I get you" she asks. I look at her name tag it says "Camille". We'll take a bottle of bourbon." I say smiling. "Coming right up"
"Thank you" i say and she nods her head. She has blonde hair and blue eyes kinda wierd. We laugh and talk as we drink. We have been there for an hour. Its really hard for a vampire to get drunk and i feel a little typsy. That all goes away when I hear a familar voice. Rebecca i flash out of the bar and follow her voice. "Please Nik im sorry. I shouldn't of brought mikeal her."she cried out. "Oh Rebecca you betrayed me. Now you will die for that." I know klaus is angry. No hes hurt. I run into a cemetery. I see klaus holding a dagger about to stab Rebecca. I knew who mikeal was so why would Rebecca bring him to kill her siblings. But she shouldnt be killed. I flash and grab her and flash away behind a tomb stone . So she wont get hurt. I cover her mouth with my hand and her eyes go wide and tears form in them. I hold a finger to my mouth. "Rebecca you cant hide from me." Klaus screams. I knew he would kill someone without a second thought but his own sister. What has gotten into him. "Brother leave our sister alone." I hear Elijah say. "Elijah she tried to kill us." Klaus pleads. I look at her but she stares at the ground. She wouldn't. Out of Nowhere i hear Klaus scream. I flash towards him and theres a dagged in him. That is carved with bone. Anger fills me i flash to Elijah and snap his neck. "Caroline" klaus whimpers. "Your okay." I say pulling his head into my lap. Completely forgetting he tried to kill Becca. "You...have out" he studders. "Elijah" rebecca screams. "Take care if him take him to your guy's house." She hesitates so I scream,"NOW!". She flashes away and so does Elijahs body. I dig my hand into klaus' stomach. His screams feel my ears. I wrap my hands around the dagger and pull it as hard as I can. He screams as it comes out.

     I open his front door and Rebecca and Elijah stand there. "Can I come in"I ask. "You may"Elijah says kinda angrily. I stumble in trying to hold up Klaus. I lay him on the couch. Hes still passed out. I look at Rebecca and smile as tears form in my eyes and she does the same. I run up to her and hug her. "Not trying to ruin the moment but why are you here miss Forbes." Elijah asks me. I stop hugging her and step back. "I missed this insane family. Also my two bestfriends. By the way wheres kol."i ask smiling. Their eyes fall. "What"i mumble. "Didn't klaus tell you" Becca asks sadly. "What" i say again fear washing through me. "Kols......kols dead" Rebecca stumbles out. I feel my whole body shut down. I fall to the floor. Pain enters my heart. It beats slower and slower. Like it just wants to stop completely. I manage to growl out what's wrong with me. "Your humanity is trying to turn off. Just fight it Caroline." Rebecca says holding me up. After a minute it fades away. But the pain is still there but replaced with anger. "Who killed him" i yell. "The witches. But we've beem trying to get him back." Elijah says sadly. "How can I bring him back." I ask. He looks at me confused. "Your a vampire you dont have magic." He says confused. "Actually i do. " i say raising my hand and making the lights flash off and on. They look confused. "Anyway ill come back later. I have to go find Stefan and Bonnie." I say putting my number in Beccas phone and quicly flashing away before they can stop me.

     "Where have you been." Bonnie says as i walk through the front door. I see Stefan on the bed looking extremly worried. "I heard Rebeccas screams. So i followed them. You should of heard them too Stefan." I say confused as to why he hadn't heard her. "No i didn't." He replys. "Well i have to head back to their house and raise kol from the dead." I say pulling on a leather jacket. "When did Kol die and you can't you can kill yourself." Bonnie pleads. "He's my bestfriend. I can't let him stay dead. I miss him so much." I say sadly. "Fine lets go."she says a little upset.

      I knock on the door and Elijah opens it. "All of you can come in." He says pulling the door open. "I thought any vampire can go into a vampires house without being invited." Stefan says as he walks into the house. "My brother had a witch spell it so you have to be invited in. Anyways lets get right to why were here. Also I thought that if you were a vampire you couldnt be a witch. I was wrong. " He says walking and us following him. "My brother klaus has been different since he left Mystic Falls. I believe ruthless would be a good word. I dont know what has him this way. But when he tried to hurt Becca he crossed a line." I interrupt him. "Why did he try to hurt Becca?" I ask. "I lead our father to New Orleans so he could  run Klaus out all though he thinks I wanted him dead. But it went wrong so mikeal ran all of us out."rebecca says looking down at her feet. "Why would you do that." I ask confused Rebecca isn't that kind of person. "Every time i fell in love klaus would just kill them because he believed no one was good enough for me. I had fell In love with Marcel. I couldn't have klaus killing him so we made a plan to run Klaus away. When klaus found out it was one of us who betrayed him he lost it. So I told him it was kol. Kol was put in a box after that. But this was 200 years ago. Trust me Nik is still not over it."she finally finishes. I was angry that she would do that to kol at first but i would do anything to be with the person i loved too. It was quiet intil Elija spoke up. "So how did you get these powers."he asks. "Well it all started when Silas tried to kill my friends not to long ago. I felt a serge of energy. It made him crumble in pain. Then Bonnie used my energy to put him to sleep and trap him." I finish and everybody looks deep in thought. "Now that that's out of the way wheres klaus." I ask looking around the room. "We Locked him up in the cellar. So he won't hurt anyone. He should be waking up any moment" Elijah says fixing his collar. After he finishes his sentence klaus yells out Elijahs name." The beast has awaken." Elijah says smiling. He starts walking down stairs only me and the mikealsons go down because i told Bonnie and Stefan to stay up here. We pass by rooms some are empty and some have people who look like they had been there for decades. We come to a stop and Elijah tells Becca to step back so i can go In there. I walk in the dark room and in the middle of it is klaus chained to a wall. There was anger in his eyes but that all changed when he saw me. "Did you bring her here so she could help me. Did you call her and tell her the big bad hybrid has gone insane."he says spitting out the words to Elijah. "Leave" i tell them. "Caroline-"Rebecca tries to plead  but i stop her. "Ill be fine" i tell her smiling. They leave. I turn back towards klaus. I don't know how to feel. Angry that he left me. Sad because he's broken. Happy to see him after so long. "Why are you here."he growls out. "You don't get to treat me like that klaus. You left me. You took away people i cared about so you don't have the right to ask me why I'm here. I came here to see my bestfriends. Only to find out one of them is dead. Why didn't you tell me" I turn around not wanting him to see me cry. But you can here it in my voice. "I didn't want you to be hurt."he says quietly. "Its fine though I'm gonna bring him back to life." I say turning back around to look at klaus. "What do you mean love."he says looking confused. A shiver passes through me. "I don't know how but i have magic. I'm more powerful than Bonnie. I found out after i took down Silas."he looks at me shocked. Im shocked when he says these 3 words. "Caroline, I'm sorry."

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