"but...... how"

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We took two seperate cars. Me, klaus, elijah, kol, and Rebecca in one suv. Damon, Elena, Bonnie, and Stefan were in the other. We pull into a cementary with damon and the others right behind. I remember this cementary from when I first arrived here. It's where klaus almost killed Rebecca. "Oh I remember this cementary the one you almost killed me in right brother." Rebecca says smiling sourly. "Oh yes because if i remember i did try so due to you trying to kill all of us" he snaps right back. "Would you two stop arguing we have things to do and one of those is seeing if miss forbes is dying or not." Elijah says i stare at him and he corrects himself "Excuse me to see if Caroline is dying or not". "Thank you Elijah" i notice damons car and everyone getting out. "Now can we please go" i ask. Instead of answering we all start filing out of the car. "So me, caroline, and the rest of my family will be going in you guys stay out here just in case things go bad." Klaus says already giving orders. The mystic falls gang all scoff at him."Theres no way im staying out here when Caroline is hurt. She needs my support. Right caroline." Elena pleads staring at me pointedly. "Its your call love." Klaus says staring down at me. "Thanks Elena. But ill be fine theres no need to bring everyone in." I say staring at her as her face changes to a confused look. I turn towards klaus and say "let's go".

We walk through the cemetary and a witch steps out from a bocked room up some stairs. "Klaus" she says. "Sophie" he answers. "Lets begin".

We enter the room and theres a cement block she asks me to lay on. It goes to about klaus' waist. He nods at me to lay down and i do he stands right beside me. "Just relax" Sophie says smiling at me. She raises her hands and chants as she hovers her hands over my body running them back and forth. She yelps and jumps back. I sit up and she tells me to lay back down. The mikealsons are instantly alarmed. Klaus' eyes have a hint of yellow in them. Elijah looks ready to rip out a heart but still elegant. Kol and Rebecca step forward. "What is it" klaus growls. "I...."she studders over her words. "Tell me" he yells. Instantly Damon, Elena, and Stefan appear. Bonnie appears soon after annoyed Because she cant flash like them. "But....how" Sophie mumbles. "If you dont tell us i will kill you and i have no heart or mercy for anyone." Damon says smirking. "Is she a vampire" Sophie asks. "Yes what kind of question is that" kol says annoyed. "Theres something your not telling me" sophie says steping back towards me but quickly away by the look klaus gives her. "Im also a witch" i say honestly and everybody glares at me. "I dont know if you want everybody to hear this" she warns. "It's fine just tell me" i say confused. "I dont know how but you are not the person with the magic" i look at her growing impatient and extremly confused then she adds "It's the being inside of you." Everybody's eyebrows go together in thought and confusion. But my heart drops. What..... This is impossible. I repeat the words i said in my head out loud. "This is impossible." I say panicking. "Your right it is impossible. But somehow it is for you. This baby you carry is extremly powerfully. Im not even sure what it is werewolf, witch, hybrid." I laugh out loud and everybodys head snaps to me. "I am dead i gave up having kids a long time ago. So whatever joke your playing is not funny-" she stops me from continuing my rant. "Caroline if you dont mind will you lift up your shirt." I look at everyone and raise my shirt slowly the tiniest bump is there. I wasn't bloated at least couldn't be for a month. It all came together the throwing up, the bloating, the thirst. I felt like i had a lump in my throat. What if Klaus left me. I stare up at him but he doesnt look at me he stares at the wall. Ignoring me. "How far along is she" stefan asks her. "A little over 3 months." Sophie replys looking at me sadly. I stand up and thank her. I slide by everybody and walk out of the tomb and to the cars. The tears finally start pouring from my eyes. "Caroline where are you going" elijah calls out. I turn around i was almost out of the cementary and he was by the entrance of the room. "Home, ill be back i just need to go see my mom and matt." I say then add "elijah".
"Yes Caroline"
"Please, keep an eye on him"
"I will trust me"
"Thank you" i say before flashing away.

          3 days the worst 3 days of my life. I had made it back to Mystic Falls. I was happy to see my mom, Matt, Jermey, and Alaric. But all these thoughts made me so sad. Will Klaus leave me. Will my friends hate me. Would my baby be in danger. What was i supposed to do. There was no doubt that i love this baby and nothing will ever hurt it. I was gonna protect it with all my life even if that meant raising it alone. I missed New Orleans that was my true home. Mystic falls was just boring. All of a sudden my phone started ringing. I had been layed up in bed the last 3 days. "Hello" i answer.
"Hey Caroline" Rebecca said cheerfully.
"So how's things in new orleans."
"Caroline come home. Damon and elena are staying for a while and we all need to discuss this."
"Becca im so scared im 17 i cant be a mom." I say crying. "Klaus probaly hates me and doesnt want anything to do with me or the baby."
"Listen hes been distant in his studio but he will be there for you and if he isnt ill kick his ass"
"Becca why hasnt he called"
"We thought you needed space i thought we've given you enough so i called- kol let go of me yes its her stop- hey moma bear" kol says through the phone i smiled.
"Hey kol hows things"
"Um boring really i need you here. Everybodys so serious and grumpy. Im happy im gonna be an uncle. Oh wait hey if you have a boy i call dibs in him being named after me."
"Oh i wouldn't dare curse my baby with that horrible name"
"Very funny care. Just please come home"
I smile at his words. "Im on my way"
"Yes i win i new i could make her come back Rebecca"
"I got to go love you"
"Bye moma love you too"

          "Mom" i say walking into the leaving room with my bags packed. "Yes honey" she replys washing her hand with a dish towel. "Im going back to new orleans i might not be back for a while"
"Okay honey ill miss you but i know its what you have to do"
"There's something else"
"What is it"
"Im....... Im pregnant...." I say looking at the ground and start crying.
She wrapps me up in her arms.
"Does Tyler know yet" she says into my hair. I scoff and pull back.
"Mom the babys klaus'" she looks shocked but.... Happy. "Caroline i knew you were in love with him. I dont like him very much but he always treated you well. Tyler and you i didnt quite understand." I laugh at her words. "I love you mom"
"I love you too"

         I walk through the door and already here the arguing the sounds of my family. The ones i want to hear for the rest of my never ending life. I roll my suit case in and stand by the door as something is thrown across the living room and i hear kol say ouch. "I hope im not interrupting anything" i say standing by the entrance to the leaving room. "Caroline"they all scream and hug me but klaus and elijah are missing. Then a loud bang interrupts us. I tell them to stay when i head upstairs and go to open klaus studio.  But i hear a voice. I lean in and listen. "Come on klaus just do it. She left. Im still here i love you be with me." Camilles voice says. I fill with anger. But i just walk away. I go downstairs trying to hold back tears. I needed to get some air. I walk to the front door "caroline" they call out. "Ill be back im just going on a walk"

    Klaus' pov
         I couldnt look at her i got her pregnant. I stared at the wall her eyes burning into me. Im a coward. She left i didn't do anything. I let her leave. Luckily Elijah ran after her. But she went back to mystic falls. I painted over and over again trying to distract myself. It didn't work. The 3 days were hell. I needed her i just let her go- i pick up a book and slam it against the wall. I hear a knock on the door and hoping it was Caroline i flash to it and open it. Camille stands there worried. "What do you want Camille." I say opening the door to let her in and going back to painting. "Klaus im worried about you."
"Theres no need to be worried about me. Now leave."
"Leave with me"
I whirl around. "What did you say"
"I said leave with me. I know you're acting like this because of Caroline."
"Get out."
"Come on klaus just do it. She left. Im still here i love you be with me."
"Im sorry Camille but i do not love you. Now please leave." She stands there with tears rolling down her face. "Fine but she will never love you-" i flash to her and pin her to a wall. "Leave before i kill you"
"Shes never gonna love you the way i love you". I get thrown backwards and rebecca stands there. "Bloody hell klaus. What are you thinking." She growls at me then turns to Camille. "Leave and never come back to this house" rebecca compels her. Camille leaves and rebecca turns back to me. "I just wanted to let you know that while you were up here confessing your love to Camille-" i go to correct her but she interrupts me "Caroline came back. She heard you and Camille and she left. Dont worry she told us she was going for a walk." She finishes staring into my eyes. I grow worried that she may leave me again. "Thank you Rebecca" i say before flashing away complete shock on her eyes from what i had just said.

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