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Klaus pov

       "They found tyler and his group there just outside of New Orleans. They said he was planning on attacking sometime this week." Elijah said hanging up the phone. It has been a week since we started this mission.
"So you have the plan memorized." I asked him.
"Yes we're gonna use Caroline to distract him. Kols gonna grab her and leave before tyler gets to her. Stefan and rebecca will be outside taking down his men. Katerina will be home with bonnie and soon kol will meet her with Caroline and they will protect them. Me and you will take down tyler and all of this will be over until a new issue will soon take over."
"Good job brother so all we need to find out is when this all takes action."
Everybody besides Caroline discussed the plan. Caroline wasn't there because she had slept in.

Just then my eyes shift to golden wavy hair. I flash to her.
"Good morning love." I say kissing her.
"Good morning what time is it." She says smiling and stretching.
"Its already 1:00pm love but its good you needed to rest."
"So hows the plan going." She asks me grabbing my hand and leading me into the living room with the others.
"Its going well just know if anything happens do anything you can to keep you and the babies safe.
"I will i promise" she says kissing my cheek.

Carolines pov

"Morning mama" kol said kissing my cheek. Klaus sat down and talked with Elijah.
"Morning kol or more like afternoon."
"Haha true you slept in today"
"It seems so."
I then start whispering "here come with me" i say leading him to the kitchen.
"What is it." He asks.
"So how's things going. Are you doing okay."
"We should be worrying about you. Your all that matters." He says trying to change the subject.
"No. No this is about you. Kol are you okay." I say grabbing his shoulder with one hand and his face with the other to move his eyes to meet mine.
"Caroline. Do you think i would be a good dad." He asks insecurly.
"Are you kidding you'd be the most fun dad ever. You are gonna amazing. You have a long way to go. But so do me and klaus your amazing and fun. You will be great."
"Thank you Caroline" he said pulling me into a hug.

Just then a knock interrupted our conversation. Me and kol walked back to the living room and Elijah peaked through the hole. Elijah opened it and klaus flashes to hold my side while kol flashed to Bonnies side.
They started talking and soon Elijah shut the door and his attention was back on us.
"Tyler's here lets go."
We drive to the French quarter we were staying at Klaus' home on a plantation so we didnt look so obvious.
I walked in shaking nervously. This was my part.
"Caroline" tyler whispered.
"Tyler what are you doing here" i said acting.
"I wanted to see you." He said stepping closer then stopping shocked he then said. "Wow your pregnant."
"Yeah i am." I said trying to keep my calm.
"It's to bad i have a couple of witches outside surrounding Rebecca and stefan, kols neck snapped, and elijah and klaus with daggers pointed in there backs."
Just then i heard a snap of a neck, a yell from an anurism out of rebecca and klaus's breath hitch as a dagger rubs aginst his back.
"What do you want" i yell.
"To take what klaus took from me. My family and true love."
"You cheated on me" i yell.
"Doesnt mean i stopped loving you. So im gonna take his precious caroline and baby. But first im gonna kill his family with these useful toys called white oak stakes." He growls out as he holds 4 of them up. My breath hitches.
"Please dont do this." I cry out.
"Oh but i will." He yells.
I raise My hands chanting. Just then it stops.
"What.... What happened." He yells.
"I put a shield around them so you cant hurt them."
"Well i guess we go to plan b. Bring them out." He yells to no one.
Just then 2 men drag out katerina
and Bonnie. Thank god they werent serously hurt.
"Let them go"
"Don't worry i won't hurt them if you sacrifice you and the baby for them."
"I hate you" i yell tears running down my face. Klaus bangs against the shield yelling at him.
"Have it your way" Tyler says as he goes to snap Bonnies neck. Just then he falls a hole in his chest. The rest of his people fall. Either thier heads cut off or their hearts ripped out. It all stops 20 bodies and tylers body on the floor. I whip around to see who saved me.
There stands stefan and elena or the original doppelgangers silas and Tatia petrova.
"Silas." I cry out. Klaus and Elijah look shocked. Kol was still out. Stefan and Rebecca were outside. I hug him.
"Easy love the babies."
"How... Where... Thank you." I let out.
"You brought Tatia back i will forever be in your debt."
"How did you know."
"Amara was a friend of tatias. She was a Bennett. She told her about the boy and how he was trying to kill you and the babies. She said we needed to save you. So we did. She wanted me to warn you that theres darkness coming for you and those beautiful baby girls. Promise you'll protect them."
Tears rolled down my face one after the other.
"I promise." I croak out.
He smiles and turns to leave. Tatia hugs me and whispers so quietly in my ear.
"Be safe we'll always be here." She says then turns to leave with Silas.
"Wait" i yell out.
"Yes" silas asks turning.
"How did you know they were girls." I ask crying.
"Just a feeling love" with that they disseapered.

    I stood there for a minute crying until i remembered about them being stuck in barriers and Bonnie and Katherine. I turn around to see klaus with a tear rolling down his cheek. I see Bonnie and katherine passed out. I let go of the magic i had belt up to hold the barriers. Klaus instantly ran to me and held me. I cried in his shoulder.
"Lets go love."
"I can't not just yet."
"Take your time ill be right outside."
I knodded as i stared down at tylers body. I heard Rebecca's and stefans voices telling me they were awake. All sound left my ears left with muffled noices. Everything spun. I loved these girls i would die for them. I loved them so much it hurt they had to enter this world with so many enemies.
I could run and hide to keep them safe but i loved this family so much i would break to leave them. I was better off with them then on my own. I feel a arm wrap around my waist. To my side stood kol. I look at him and tears break through me again. I turn and cuddle into his shoulder and cry. I dont know how but i ended up in a car. Then somehow in bed then i fell asleep. With klaus right beside me if he wasn't i wouldn't of been able to.

I woke up to the smell of pancakes. Everything was so intense my hunger, my magic buzzed through me. What was wrong with me. I looked in the mirror to see a puffy eyed caroline staring back. Thats when it all came to me everything that happened the previous day. Just then the buzz ran through my body i jumped a little. Veins ran through my body as if i just got staked.

     I followed the chatter down stairs. I had taken a shower pulled my hair up in a tight pony tail and threw on jeans that were a size bigger then Usual and klaus' black Henley.

     I walked into the kitchen and klaus' eyes instantly went to me. He smiled and kissed me. Then it went black. Klaus walked into the babies room and reached into a crib. He smiled at the baby i couldn't see the face of. Tears slipped from his eyes as he reached down and held another baby. The only thing i saw was its bright green eyes the same ones the person i loved most had Klaus mikealsons. Light filled my eyes and i woke up to these eyes staring down at me with his hands wrapped around me.
"Are you okay" he asked
"Fine actually. What happened."
"You became all veiny when klaus kissed you then you passed out."  Kol chimed in. Kol touched my shoulder reassuringly then it all went black again.

       Rebecca stood there with a sword pointed at her father mikeal.
"You dare cross me for him" mikeal yelled at her with a whip in his hand. It was as if i was kol. He turned and i saw klaus bloody and bruised. I screamed in shock. Once again light filled my eyes and i woke up.
"What the bloody hell" kol said with a confused look.
"I saw something" i say quietly from the couch klaus must of carried me here. They all sat there talking about what was happening.
They all stare at me and klaus walks over to me and kneels.
"I saw rebecca with a sword about to kill your father for hurting you. You were bloody and bruised. When i touched you i saw you with our babies. I couldn't see their faces but one of them i could see their stricking eyes they matched yours but...."
"But what love"
"They flashed yellow. It was a hybrid."
"Its gonna be okay love. But... are you okay."
"Yes but i think we should see sophia"
"Okay love lets go."
Everybody stared at me worried.


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