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"Whats the problem Elijah" klaus says as we come downstairs. "Well Marcel is back in town. Im not sure why. I was thinking you might want to know what hes up to." Elijah finishes. It was silent so i say," Whose Marcel"
"My brother raised him and saved him from slavery. When we were ran out of New Orleans by no other than our father. Marcel took over and we came back and took it back running him out of New Orleans and now hes back" kol says to me.
"Oh" is all i can say.
"Well lets have a little chat with Marcel." Klaus says getting up and grabbing his coat."Come on Elijah"
"Can i come" i ask going stir crazy. Kol laughs at me.
"Sorry love not this time its not safe" klaus replys kissing me then leaving.
"Hey you wanna do something fun" kol asks me as they walk out the door. We all turn to him.
"What" i say happily.
"We have horses" he replys.
"Kol you know klaus will be mad" rebecca warns.
"So klaus isn't here is he"kol says smirking evily.
"Also we only have 3 horses" she says in a duh way.
"It's a good thing than that you will be riding with Stefan, Caroline by herself, and me with Bonnie" he says winking at Bonnie.
"Never" she says angrily.
"Come on you told me how you,  Caroline, and Elena always would go riding." Kol says grinning at her my eyes widen. I guess i never noticed they actually talked to each other.
"Hey what about us" elena whines pointing to her and Damon.
"Only 3 horses sorry maybe next time." Kol says not sorry at all.
"Hey we have better things we can do in our room anyways" Damon says to Elena whispering in her ear as she smiles.
"You know more than half the people in here can hear you" i say cringing.
"Come on lets go mama" kol says holding his hand out to me and pulling me up.

        I walk outside walking side by side woth Kol. We come to a stop and he goes into a barn and walks with 3 horses. But i see another one in the barn.
"Hey theres 4 horses" i say shocked at them but jokingly.
"Oh look at that" Rebecca says smiling.
"Why did you guys lie" i say confused.
"Thats Elijahs horse he wont let anyone ever ride it. So you get Klaus', Bonnie rides mine with me, and Stefan rides Beccas."
"Something tells me klaus won't be to happy if i ride his horse." I say remembering his story of his favorite horse being killed by his dad.
"He'll be fine if its you riding it." Kol says smirking. I stare at klaus' horse its beautiful. Its jet black and has a long maine. It stands tall and confident. For some reason it reminds me of Klaus he probably got it because he saw himself in the horse. I walk up to it and pat its hair. Rebeccas is white as snow and kols is chestnut brown. Kol helps me on and shows me how to get on for next time. Rebecca and Stefan get on easily Becca behind Stefan. Then kol gets on and he pulls bonnie up after she refused a bunch of times.
"Okay let's start out slow. We slowly ride the horses and it all comes back to me from when i was little.
"Okay i think im ready to actually ride. Anyone up for a race." I say smiling. Everybody agrees. But we have to convince Bonnie. We decided to race to the end of the tree line. Which would take 20 minutes if we had the horse go as fast as it could. We would all meet up at the end then ride back together. We all line up and kol screams go. I race through the woods just focusing on getting to the finish point. My heart beat is extremly fast. As the horse catches speed. I can tell this is the fastest of all horses. I hold on for dear life as the horse goes faster and faster. The wind whippimg through my hair. Riding horses is alot of energy and fun. Soon i break through the tree line. I wait for a minute and no ones here yet. I hear a loud whistle and the horse takes off. It takes me by surprise so i almost fall off but quickly regain my grip. The horse goes in the opposite direction 10 times faster than before. I hold on and my hands are a little sweaty so i pray i don't fall off. The trees blur by. I pass by kol and we meet each others eyes. I smile reassuring him im okay. But before he can react i flash by. I break through the tree line once again but this time it's where we started.  The horse throws itself back and i yelp scared to hit the ground but end up in a tight grip.
"Horse riding are we love" klaus' voice says with a bit of anger.
"Yeah" i breath out staring up at him the Sun behind his head shining down at us.
"Im guessing your the one who whistled for the horse."
"Well yes that was me. But more importantly why are you riding a horse when you can get hurt."
"Im not a piece of glass." I yell pulling myself to my feet and out of his arms then i add "i won't break at the slightest touch."
"I know that i just cant stand the thought of you getting hurt."
"I know that but you need to give me some freedom klaus. I cant be locked up 24/7." I say angrily walking away. But he flashes in front of me.
"I know ill try to let you have more freedom."
"Thank you. Now can we go watch a movie. Horse back riding is tiring"
He laughs then says, "yeah come on love "

      I wake up after i fell asleep on klaus watching the first Twilight. Which i had to force him into. Im pretty sure he hated it even though i didn't see him finish it. I realize hes gone so i sit up and stretch it was still daylight so I check my phone. It was 6:30 so i got up and was walking to Beccas room but decided i need a girls night with all my girl friends. Elena, Bonnie, becca, and me. But someone else entered my head who i really missed and decided i should call her and see if she was close and have the girls day tommorrow.

         I dial her number and she picks up after the 2 rings. "Hello" her voice rung out the last time I saw her she was going to New York and lost her memory but we had gottem really close and I cried when she left because she was actually a really kind person. "Hey Katherine." I said smiling as tears filled my eyes. "Caroline" she squiled.
"Hey so im here in New Orleans and I know its stupid but I was wondering if you wanted to have a girls day. I really need a friend right now"
"Um, yes ofcourse ill come"
"Oh my god thank you. I can't wait to see you.... Oh before i say goodbye call me before you knock so Klaus doesn't see you. He will try to kill you. But ill convince him to let you stay for a while."
"Ok i can't wait to come love you care"
"Bye, Love you too"

      "Are you cheating on my brother Caroline" rebecca asks coming out of her room.
"No i just have a surprise for us tomorrow"
"Oooh fun. Well klaus went out to the bar with kol, Elijah, Damon ,and Stefan."
"Okay well I'll gather the girls and we can have a sleep over."
"Okay ill get my room ready."

                 We all lay on the bed and floor as we watch rom coms and talk about boys. When it comes to me I hesitate then i lay it all out. "The truth is im kinda scared i know im in love with Klaus but I know he had struggles with his dad. And im sure hes gonna be scared once the baby actually comes. I know half the people here hate him for what hes done but the truth is hes never hurt me. Like sorry to say this Elena and Bonnie but he never hurt me like everyone else in Mystic Falls did. I was always everyone's second choice but once Klaus came he put me first. He asked me if I wanted the cure when everyone was worried about giving it to Elena and all i was needed for was to distract Klaus because I was his weakness. Yeah he may have gotten me bitten by Tyler and bit me himself but he always saved me. Because the truth is he loves me. He cares about me. He saved me from the old Caroline the insecure afraid one. Then i met his family and I fell in love with you guys. Kol is my bestfriend and always makes me smile or laugh. Rebecca is also my bestfriend and is always there for me. And Elena and Bonnie you guys had other things to worry about. But that's okay. You guys were needed by other people. Bonnie everyone turned to you for your magic. Elena you had amazing guys in love with you and a little brother to take care of. Elijah always treated me well no matter what. Damon was my friend I could talk to and my drinking buddy. He was like a really bad therapist. Stefan was the guy that needed to meet someone who wanted what he wanted and Elena was meant for Damon but that lead to Stefan having a somewhat relationship with Rebecca. And both of you deserve each other. You deserve happiness. " I say crying, laughing, and smiling through it all. We all sat there crying. Intil a voice spoke out "wow i thought you hated us all" kol says standing by the door with Klaus, Elijah, stefan, and Damon. I just smile at them intil kol runs up to me and hugs me as I stand up. They all sworm me with hugs and I just smile and laugh. These people are my family.

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