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                "Kol you suck at this game" i yell out in amusement. "Hey I've been in a box for a century my bad if im not the best at charades care." He replys back bitterly.  We were all in the living room playing charades. Mistakenly i decided kol should be on my team and he sucks at this game. Klaus was on Rebecca's team and she's really competitive. They were winning. The teams were me with kol, klaus with Rebecca, bonnie with Stefan, and Damon with Elena. Elijah decided he had issues to intend to. The lead was klaus' team, then Damon's, then Stefans, and lastly my team. "Yes and we are winning which is all that matters." Rebecca says smiling. "Come on be a sport." Kol says smirking at her. "Ok whose next. Blondie I think it's you" Damon says drinking bourbon. "Okay, come on Kol lets try to win" i say picking up a card and standing up. The card says proposing to someone. I smile to myself. "Are you ready, kol" i say glaring at him. I smile and wiggle my arms out. I get on one knee and act like i have a box and open it. Thank god i was only a little over 3 months pregnant because i wouldnt be able to do this. I was only barely showing. "Asking someone to marry you" Rebecca amd kol both yell out at the same time. "Yes" i say frowning at Rebecca. "Both of us get points then." Rebecca says smirking.

      "Okay well im done with this game. Me and Rebecca win." Klaus says standing up. "Fine" i say walking upstairs happy that we spent time together.

          It was only 4:00 and i wanted to do something. I had been stuck up im this house all day. "Klaus" i say walking into his studio. "Yes love" he says glancing at me before he goes back to painting. "Im bored theres nothing to do." I complain sitting on his couch. "What do you want to do"
"I dont know i was hoping you could help woth that"
"Okay go get dressed im taking you out to see New Orleans"
"Thank you" i say jumping uo and quickly kissing him. He grabs my waist and kisses me longer.  "I love you" he says smiling
"I love you too. Now get ready"

        I still havent went shopping so I went to Rebecca for help. I walked into her room and instantly regretted it. "OHMYGOD REBECCA" i screamed. Klaus appeared in front of me" Whats wrong love". "Um so maybe we should leave now."
"Why whats going on"
"Well Rebecca is kinda busy"
"Rebecca get out here"
She opens the door amd is now dressed. "Yes brother" she says smiling nervously.
"Whose in there with you"
"What do you mean theres no one in here. Right Caroline"
"I just wanted some clothes" i say cringing. All of a sudden Stefan walks out from behind her.
"STEFAN" klaus yells.
"Um im just gonna go" Stefan says but gets thrown against a wall.
"Klaus stop it" i yell
"He slept with my sister Caroline" klaus growls at me.
"Who hasnt slept with your sister" Damon says walking around the corner into the hallway. Klaus growls at him his eyes flashing yellow. "Klaus calm down come on" i say dragging him downstairs. He can easily get out of my hold but focuses on me and follows me out the front door. We walk down the road and p i can fell the intensity between us. "Hey you promised to show me New Orleans." I say to him through raised eyebrows.
"Im sorry just in a slight bad mood love"
"Why do you care if they have sex. Hes a good guy he wont just use her you know. Why don't you just give him a chance."
"Because no one's good enough for her."
"She lets you be with who you want. Why cant you let her be happy." He grabs me and flashes us into an ally way and puts his hands on either side of my head. "Because im supposed to protect her"
"Yeah you are supposed to protect her not keep her locked up. She was in a box for too long let her live her life."
"I suppose i can try"
"Thank you now show me what you city has to offer." He smiles then we flash away.

         "Were home" i yell out extremly happy about what we saw. He showed me great buildings and parks. He showed me art and we danced to music. Genuine beauty was what New Orleans was made up of.

    "Good finally" kol says walking into the room then adding "ive been waiting for you to kick Stefans ass all day."
"Im gonna give him a chance with our sister."
"WHAT. Wheres my brother Caroline what did you do"
"I made your brother relize he should let Rebecca be happy like me and him are" i say smiling at Klaus.
"I need to sit down" kol says leaving the room.
"Ignore him okay" i say kissing Klaus.
"Oh I've pretty much canceling out every word he ever says. Because he never stops talking." He yells out the last part.

          I wake up to Klaus' arms wrapped around me and the sun shinning on my face. I was genuily happy for the first time in awhile. I had my family. My love and a baby on the way. Just then i feel something thump against my stomach. I kinda squil. "What's wrong" klaus says instantly alert. "Here" i say reaching out and grabbing his hand and laying it on my stomach. Them the baby kicked over and over again. "Wow" he breathes out. I smile at his grin spreading across his face.

         "Klaus sorry to interrupt this moment but Elijah needs us all downstairs for a meeting." Stefan says from the doorway. "Okay now leave we'll be down" klaus says getting up.

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