"welecome home"

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Klaus pov

         "Thank you Bonnie. Is that all she said." I ask bonnie when she comes back from the trance. "Yeah she said she loved you and she didn't want you to do anything stupid and that she would be back."
"Well lets get started we need to find her. Lets split up."

      Carolines pov

      Silas stands back as the flames grow larger from the candles. For this we needed to use a life to gain one. Silas had killed the girl while i got everything ready. I promised myself i would never kill anyone. The girl lays in the middle of the circle of candles. I chant out these words in Latin, "to give a life to bring one back from the place we shall not cross.". Warm liquid spreads on my face from my nose. I fall tp my knees and wind blows from every direction. I finish the chant with. "BRING TATIA PATROVA TO THE OTHER SIDE" i scream in Latin. Just like that everythimg stops the wind the fire but i snap my fingers to cast light. The girl stands up but now looks just like Elena and Katherine.
"Tatia" silas whispers.
"Silas my love" she says and runs up to him wrapping her arms around him. She wears an old time dress. Her hair has 2 braids on the sides of her hair and the rest hangs down. Shes beautiful. The original doppelganger. I don't know what's different but she's not like Elena amd Katherine. They're just remakes that Amara had made. Shes different certain things were heightened. She turns to me. I feel so ugly around her.
"Thank you for reuniting me with my true love Silas. You must be Caroline forbes. Everybody on the other side is talking about you and the-" she stops because i shake my head and then she continues, "be careful some people dont want it to come into this world so be careful no more magic."
"What does she mean" silas asks me.
"Nothing love now let down the seal keeping her in here and lets leave before Klaus Mikealson finds us and kills us."

      In a split second they're gone and its just me. I follow the tunnel to the light coming through the entrance. I walk out and burst into tears. I was in Mystic falls i was home the whole time. I run to my house it was still very dark out. I bang on the front door over and over again.
"Mom, mommy" i cry out.
She runs up to the door and unlocks it. I fall into her arms. Thank god she wasn't working late. "Shhh baby its okay. We've all been looking for you. Stefan told me you were missing. Are you okay."
"Yeah i just i need to take a shower and call klaus. I need to get a checkup on the baby."
"Okay okay just go upstairs wash that blood off of your face and we'll talk after wards."

        I go into my room and its just how i left it. It felt so empty here. Everyone was gone. I took a shower and found some leggings and a stretchy shirt in my room. I went to close my closet but a box fell down. The box klaus had give. Me so long ago. My dress was in there. A tear fell from my eye. I turned and in the frame on my desk was the picture he drew for me. I run up to the desk and open it. A black box is in there. I open it and put the bracelet on.

       I walk down stairs and see my mom on the couch in her robe and drinking coffee. I told her everything from Tatia to Bonnie and my conversation. We fell asleep on the couch when i woke up she was gone. Probaly at work. I decided i should call Klaus because i missed him so much amd he was probaly losing it.
It rung but went to voice mail.
I called Becca but she didn't answer either. So i called Elijah.
"Oh thank God elijah."
"CAROLINE" he breathed out happily.
"Hey im back im in Mystic Falls with my mom. Silas he finally let me go."
"Im coming to get you okay."
"But i did have to do something."
"What is it"
"I had to bring Tatia back to life"
"Tatias back"
"Yes she is"
"Well im coming okay."
"Okay thank you Elijah. But one thing"
"Why isnt klaus or Rebecca answering their phones."
"Ill tell you when i get there."
"Okay bye"
         I had said my goodbye to my mom and she said she was gonna visit me in New Orleans soon. I went to the mystic grill and saw matt and Jeremy talking to Alaric the three people i hadnt seen in forever.
"Matty, jer, alaric" i called out as i ran up to them.
"Caroline" they yelled out.
"The one and only."
"What happened Klaus has been telling all of us to call him if we saw you." Alaric says worried
"Yeah i called him but he didnt answer so i called elijah and hes coming to get me." I then proceed to tell them about everything that happened.
"Wait he was nice to you" jeremy asks.
"Yeah he was. He just wanted me to bring back tatia and i did."
"Okay well why were you so scared to do it." Matt asks.
"Oh you guys dont know." I ask.
"What dont we know" alaric asked.
I pull up my shirt and there is a bump.
"Wait are you.."
"Yeah im pregnant. About 4 and a half months."
"So the baby is giving you the magic."
"Oh now i get it. Kinda."

        "Miss Forbes."
"Mr. Mikealson" i say spinning in my chair and hugging him.

     I said goodbye went home and got some stuff like klaus' drawing, my dress, and some other things. We were driving in the car now so I decided to break the silence.
"So are you gonna tell me what happened."
"Niklaus he went a little crazy because he was tired of you getting hurt. Something happened while i was looking for you. When i got home kol and rebecca were daggered."
"What when did this happen because i saw rebecca, kol, and Bonnie like a day ago."
"When they came home apparently they didn't find anything so klaus daggered them and Bonnie ran away with Damon, elena, and stefan to bring you home to make Klaus let Rebecca and kol go. Also when did you see them."
I tell him the story i had said 2 times already.
"Well lets hope you can make klaus let them go"
"Yeah" i yawn out as i fall asleep.
As soon as im about to fall asleep i feel a kick.
"Elijah" i yell out.
"What is it" he says worried
"The baby it kicked."
"What" he says smiling. I grab his hand and rest it on my stomach. The baby kicks again and his smile grows even more. I slowly fall asleep with his hand on my stomach.

      I feel somebody pick me up and carry me. I open my eyes and Elijah is there.
"Wait my backpack" i whisper. He sits me down and grabs the bag but picks me right back up when he grabs it.
"Thank you" i say cuddling into his chest. He was like a big brother to me.

     "Okay Caroline i need to open the front door. It's sunny outside and i stand up stretching. He hands me my bag and unlocks the door.

         "Ahh brother you have returned" klaus says from the living room.
"Yes now will you let our siblings go"
"Now why would i do that."
"Because im asking" i say walking into the living room.
"CAROLINE" he says looking at me shocked.
"It's so good to see you. But im still mad at you. You need to let my bestfriends go and let the others come back." He doesn't even flinch he flashes to me and hugs me.
I let go and kiss him softly.
"You have no idea how much I've missed you".
"I missed you so much. Did you get my message"
"Yeah i did i tried to listen to what you said but i couldn't. I'm gonna kill Silas"
"No your not."
"What." Him and Elijah both say.
"We're not gonna hurt him were gonna let him be happy with Tatia let them be together and were gonna stay out of it."
"What do you mean Tatia is dead."
"I brought her back. Oh wait you were in love with her." I say trying to sound sarcastic but truly being scared.
"No not anymore. I love you."
"I love you too."

          I told him everything that happened. After that he lead me downstairs to where his siblings were.

      I run up to kol but get bounced back.
"Easy love its has a spell on it i just have to allow you in."
"Can i go in"
"Yes you may."
I step forward and i go straight through. I run up to kol and slide the dagger out of him and did the same to Rebecca.

    I wait and they finally wake up at the same time.
"Nik im gonna kill you" Rebecca yells out. Her eyes widen when she sees me and her and kol flash to me and hug me.
"Welcome home" kol whispers into my hair as he holds me.


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