the nightmares

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       I wake up to grunting coming from the room beside mine. Klaus' room. I checked the clock on my night stand it was only 4:00am. I hurry out of bed and when I walked out of my room i saw Elijah standing about to go in klaus' room. I've only been in New Orleans for a week now. I've gotten to explore New Orleans a little. Kol told me about how the witches brought him back because he would owe them a favor. He told me how he watched over me. In private he told me how he saw me cry every day and how much he wanted to reach out and comfort me. He also told me how i needed to calm down and that the ancestors of the witches who killed him would be punished by the ancestors themselfs. I had asked him and Becca why they left me and they said they loved me but they couldnt leave their brother because last time he stuck them in a box and he was broken for such a long time. They couldn't do that to him again. Me and stefan adjusted to the family right away but Bonnie was hesitant. I called everybody back home everyday. I told them how amazing it was there. I talked to Damon the longest because i honestly missed him and my mom the most. "Elijah" i whisper then add "Whats wrong with him."
"Miss Forbes klaus has trouble sleeping a few times a year. He dreams about are father who hurt us. We usally have to help him."
"Can i do it"
"Yes of course good night miss forbes." Elijah says and startes to walk back to his room.
"Wait Elijah." He turns around and says yes.
"Call me Caroline" he noddes and leaves me alone in the hallway. I inhale and the open klaus' door.
He shakes and murmurs. He found a way to tangle himself in his sheets. He pleads in his sleep and says no please stop. I sit on the bed and pull him into my lap his head resting under my chin amd his body between my body. He still shakes and tries to pull away but i hold onto him as i wipe his hair put of his face and tell him over and over again that its okay. I concentrate and then i enter his nightmare. Mikeal stands in front of kol with a whip. Kol looks around 16. Klaus not much older. "You dont stand up for that bastard he is nothing do you understand me." Mikeal growls out the frightened boy in the corner of the room. He raises his whip and as soon as it hits kols skin i jump forward and  the dream disappears. It turns to a new setting. The whole Mikealson family is standing in a room. I notice that they cant see me. Kol, Rebecca, Elijah, Finn, and Klaus are all passed out on the floor as their mother Esther chants. Soon they all wake up with tears in there eyes. Mikeal wakes up too he says were ready now to Esther. She nods and turns away not wanting to see whats about to happen.

          Mikeal pulled out a sword and stares at Finn hungrily. All the mikealson children back away from there father. Fear in their eyes. I know what this dreams about now. Its when they all turned. Elijah stands in front of kol, becca, and Klaus. Trying to protect them. Finn stands to the side looking at his father with so much fear and hate. Pure hatred. "Father what are you doing" elijah cries out. "Im saving my children from what happened to Hendrik it will never come to you guys ever." Mikeal growls out before lunching forward and stabbing Finn. Blood drippimg from the sword as mikeal rips it out. "No" elijah growls out before lunching at mikeal but ends up at mikeals feet. Tears pour out of my eyes at this point. Mikeal turns to klaus thats when i really start panicking. But all he says is "im saving you for last." Klaus tries to jump in front of kol but is pushed away by kol and kol says "no you don't get to save me i love you brother-" but gets cut off as mikeal drives the sword through kols heart and actually smiles when he does it its truly sick. "He is not your brother" mikeal snarls at kols body. This is a monster not klaus. Mikeal turns his gaze to Becca. "Run" klaus says. But mikeal catches her by her hair and pulls her back as he slits her throat. Klaus falls to the ground sobbing as he strokes Beccas hair away from her face and holds her. His baby sister was just killed by their father. The one who was supposed to protect them from this dark world and he just ended their lifes. Mikeal smiled at Klaus "They dont love you they never will you're a coward, a bastard, a monster. The only reason im doing this is because your mother insisted i save you as well. Your lucky she has an ounce of caring for you boy." Mikeal growled then peirced Klaus through the heart. Without blinking he stabbed himself. I was pulled out of the dream as klaus woke up i held him as his breaths slowly went back to normal. I felt the tears fall on my arms and mine fell on his head.

            I woke up in Klaus' bed he was gone. I felt cold where he used to be. I slept with my back against his chest and his arms wrapped around me. I try to get back to my room unnoticed but of course nothing goes unnoticed in this house. "Now what am i supposed to think when my bestfriend comes creeping out of my brothers room" kol says from behond me. I turn to look at him and he has a smirk playing across his face. When i look at him the dreams flash in my head and i throw myself at him. Wrapping my arms around him and breathing in his scent of blood, soap, and whiskey. "What did he do to you" kol says with worry as his body tenses up. "No its not that i saw him.... I saw him kill you." I raise my eyes to meet his and he sees tears in them. "Listen love that wouldnt be the first time Nik killed me-" i cut him off. "Not klaus...... I saw...... Mikeal kill you. All if you. Klaus had one of his nightmares. I entered his head and i saw him kill all of you guys. You, becca, Elijah, klaus." As i said each name i cry even more. "Hey, its fine we're all okay." He reasures me and holds me close to his chest. "Caroline" Rebecca says walking out of her room. She gives me a sad look. She must have heard. She joins in to the hug. After a minute i back away. "Thanks guys im gonna go change. Ill see you downstairs for breakfast?" I ask. "Yeah" they say back i smile and walk away. Kol and Rebecca stare at each other as i walk into my room with a worried look on their faces. As the memory plays through their heads.

           After i shower and put on a sun dress i curl my hair i head down stairs. As i walk into the kitchen every body looks at me worried but i relize one face is missing klaus'. "Where's-" i get cut off by Stefan though. "Missing all morning we don't know where he went"
"Oh my god"i say annoyed walking to the front door but Elijah flashes in front of me. Klaus couldnt keep doing this. Yeah he wemt through a lot past night but when he disseapered my heart drops to my feet with worry. "Where are you going" he asks soon everyone walks in the room to see what happens. "To find your idiotic brother whose currently hurting right now and is not in his right state."
"When is he ever"kol adds in. I glare at him and he just smiles. "So do you even know where to go. "I'll find my way"  i say before i flash away to the bar i heard was his favorite on Bourbon street. I walk into the bar and see Camille there the cute blonde. "Have you seen a British man with blonde hair and blue eyes by chance come in here" her eyes sparkle when i describe him. I heard from Rebecca that this Camille girl had a thing for klaus. She didnt imtimidate me though."No sorry i haven't" she says and smiles. I know he's somewhere around here i can feel him. I listen close. I hear him feeding on someone. I hear the blood rushing into his mouth. I hurry outside. I go around the bar to the alley and see him facing the other direction making it look like he was just kissing her if anybody who walked by. It looked like the road was deserted. I flash to him and rip him off her throwing him against the brick wall. The girl just stands there like she's in a trans. I turn to klaus and he glares at me but flashes away. I compel the girl to forget this and feed her my blood so she can heal. I follow the sweet smell of him. Which leads me to a wooded area. Arms grab my shoulders and flash me into a tree. Blue green eyes burn into mine. I see hurt and sadness in his eyes. He lets go of me slowly but doesnt move his eyes away. He goes to flash away but i grab his hand and turn him around. I wrap my arms around him because i needed him to comfort me and for me to comfort him. "Thank you"he whispers into my hair. "No thank you." I whisper back. I can since his confusion so i add, "klaus i was there i entered your head to help you out of your night mare but just got stuck in it. I saw. I saw you die" i studder on the last part. He tightens his grip "Im right here love i will anyways be here."

            "Can you do something for me" i whisped to him.
"What is it love"
Please Stop disappearing. You scare me when you do."
"Worried about me"he says grinning.
"Surprisingly yes even though yiu could kill anyone on this earth."
"I couldnt kill you"
I look up at him and he stares back into my eyes. Before things get to intimate i pull away.
"How about we head home"
"Sounds good come on"

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