all i see is red

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           I moan louder as i dream about the night me and Klaus shared two and a half moths ago. "Caroline wake up." Rebecca pulls me out of my sleep. "As much as my brothers like hearing you moan in your sleep i dont really enjoy it so can you keep it down."
I hear kol, stefan, and klaus snicker. "Yeah sorry beks." I say then yell out "You guys are disgusting"
They laugh even louder. "Boys would you please shut the hell up or i will shove your hearts down your throats" Rebecca yells out. The laughter dies down. Soon i drift back to sleep.

         I go down stairs to hear the boys arguing. "No it was me"kol pleaded. "Come on kol it was obviously me"klaus says i can hear the smirk in his voice. "It was neither of you two it was me" stefan says smiling. I walk in the kitchen and ask "what are you guys arguing about".
"Oh just who you were dreaming about last night. The sex you were having with one of us. Please tell us who it was" kol says as he sips his coffee. I stare at Bonnie and Rebecca they smile into their coffee cups trying to hide their smiles. Bonnie surprisingly started to like Rebecca. Bonnie said she would be visiting Mystic Falls soon but would be coming back. "I was dreaming about Elijah" i say keeping the straightest face. Kol spits out his coffee and it sprays out all over me. But before he does that i wink at Elijah playfully and he knows im only kidding. "Kol" i screech. "Im so sorry i was just in shock for a moment." I smile and head up stairs. "Where are you going love" klaus calls out. "To wash off the diseases your brother spit on me" i yell back. They all laugh.

            I pull off my clothes as i walk into the bathroom. I stop when i glance in the mirror. God was i bloated. Probably from vomiting blood so many times. I hurried with my shower and grabbed a shirt and jeans. I go to put them on but they dont fit. I wrap a towel around me. Even though i have underwear and a bra on. "Rebecca" i call out but just as the words leave my mouth i topple over and clutch my stomach and scream. The towel falls off. Luckly i had some clothing on because im instantly surrounded by all the vampires in the house. They stare down at me in underwear and a bra. Bonnie soon comes in too. I start to vomit blood but this was much worse them all the other times. It finally stopped after so many times. Nobody looked at me in a wierd way because i was half naked they all looked deathly afraid. Klaus picked me up putting one arm under my knees and the other on my back as he held me close to his chest. My ears buzzed all i saw was him screaming orders. He set me on the bed and they all left besides Rebecca she watched the blood off me with tears in her eyes. I felt like i had just been drugged. She stares at my bloated stomach and cries even more. She pulls a dress on me. Soon it all fades to black.

          I wake up in a bed with silence all around me. Hunger over welms me. I must have been out for a few days. My stomachs still bloated slightly. I stand up slowly and wobble a little. I open my door silence. I was in the mikealson has but it was so lonly. This must be how Klaus felt when his family left him. Sad, lonly, depressed. Where was everyone. I walk downstairs in the same dress becca put on me. I hear someone i couldnt flash because my hunger so i just walked into the living room. I see the back of their head. A man stood there with jet black hair. He stood tall but slunged a little. Like something was weighting him down. "Can i help you" i croak out. The man whirls around. "Damon what are you doing here. You scared me half to death. Where is everyone." I hurry out but he flashes to me and wrapps me up in a tight hold squeezing me to death. But i dont mind ive missed him to but its only been 2 weeks. "Okay calm down" thats when i notice his suitcase. "Wait are you leaving you've only just got here well you've probaly been here for a few days because ive been out for a couple days but-"
"Caroline we need to talk." I look at him confused. He sits me down.
"Dont interrupt just let me tell you everything."
"Okay" i whisper fear ingulfing me. Could someone i love be hurt.
"Caroline you've been out for a month now." My heart drops what was going on.
"After a week that you passed out Stefan called me and Elena for help. We got here the next day and the whole family was was falling apart. They've been searchimg this whole time for a way to wake you up. Klaus has gone mad they havent seen him anywhere. But reports of killings have been going around everywhere. They left me to watch over you. Caroline your the light of this insane family. They fall apart without you they go mad. You hold everyone together. We can't loose you. We tried to find out what was wrong with you but the witches said they couldn't do anything because you needed to be a wake and something was blocking them. They're traveling the whole world for you caroline. I need you to help bring them home. Also you needed to calm down klaus Caroline hes going insane. So will you help me" I cried but held it together the best i could. "I know what to do". I got everything ready for the spell. I would bind mine, Damon's, stefans, elenas, Elijahs, kols, rebeccas, Bonnies, and klaus' heads together so we could communicate. "Kols such a dumbass" rebecca said. "Hey i heard that" kol said upset. "What do you mean i said that in my head" rebecca said confused. "Why can i hear you two" elijah and klaus both said. My head started to spin as everyone argued confused. "Would you guys shut up" damon finally called out they all stopped talking. "Salvatore you have no right to speak to me like that-" klaus growls out but i cut him off. "Do you always have to be the alpha male and if you guys want to be mad at someone make it me i binded your heads together so we could communicate."
Complete silence a tear rolls down my cheek and Damon grabs my hand. "Caroline" klaus breaths out breaking the silence. "Yeah" i whisper. "Well be home at most by tommorow depending on how far we are." He says with tears shaking his voice. "Okay" i say crying harder.

            Me and Damon talked for maybe an hour as he went more into detail about what happened before the first people arrived. Stefan walked through the door along with Elena and Bonnie. They engulfed me with hugs and told me how much they missed me and that they were glad to have me back. They talked for 5 hours telling me where the visited and how many people they talked to. Next arrived kol ane Rebecca. It was really late already but i would not be sleeping intil i saw everyone. I had 10 blood bags already. I stand up from the couch and kol wrapps me in his arms and spins me." You have no idea how much i missed you. We nearly fell apart." He says holding me tight. "My turn" Becca says. I turn to hug her and she holds me so tight. When she finally pulled away Elijah walked in i was a little sad every time someone walked in and it wasn't klaus but i knew he would come. "How was it without me" i say smiling and he surprisingly hugs me Elijah isn't a very touchy feely guy. "Its good to have you back Caroline"he whispers in my ear. I stayed up for as long as i could soon everyone headed to bed but i stayed up waiting for klaus. But i drifted asleep. I woke up expecting to see klaus but he hadn't come. He was still gone. I walked in the kitchen i was the only one awake. Which made me think of waking up alone yesterday. Footsteps come down the stairs and come in the kitchen. "Hey care" kol says cheerfully. "Goodmorning why isn't klaus here" he looks at me confused. "He isn't" he asks pouring coffee. "No he isn't" i say scared. "He's coming caroline. But when he gets here we're taking you to see a witch to find out what's wrong with you. They said they would try again when you woke up."
"Ok im gonna go change and shower."
"Be careful" he warns not wanting a repeat of last time.

           I get dressed and walk out of the bathroom a cold wind hits me. I hear a whosh and he stands in front of me. His blue green eyes staring at my blue eyes. "Klaus-" i get interrupted as he pulls me into a kiss. The most loved passionate kiss I've ever had. I kiss him back knitting my hands through his hair and neck. I pull back and stare at him his eyes say everything. I flash us against a wall and my head goes back to the night he left. He lifts me up and i wrap my legs around him. He moves his lips away from mine only to kiss another part of me. He kisses my neck and i moan. Which makes my cheeks darken. I mess with his hair and move his lips back up to meet mine. Are kisses change from passionate to rougher. He runs his hand up my back and my shirt rides up. Which sends shivers to me wherever he touches. "Hey Caroline- aghhhhhh" Rebecca screams before slamming the door and running away. "Looks like we've scarred my sister."
"Maybe we should head down"
He frowns but agrees.
As we walk downstairs he says "come on Becca you've seen me doing worse stuff."
"Yeah but not with someone i cared about before"she cries out.
He shruggs and kol wiggles his eyebrows at me. I smile to see that he went back to his old self again.
"Ready to see what's wrong with Barbie" damon asks
They all agree and we head out.

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