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I walk out of the shower and stare in the mirror. I was 6 months pregnant already. I had come home after Silas kidnapped me a month and a half ago. I just couldn't wait for this baby to come. I hurry to get dressed in my maternity romper.

      I walk into the kitchen where everyone was.
"Goodmorning love," Klaus says kissing my cheek.
"Goodmorning," I say noticing Bonnie cringe at us. Something was wrong she usually just kept to herself. Elena and Damon left back to Mystic Falls. Which I was fine with because they said they'd visit.
"Bonnie can we talk,"I say staring at her.

          We walk to the backyard and walk in silence until we're out of earshot for vampires.
"So what did you wanna talk about."
"What's going on with you. You never talk to anyone and you give me dirty looks all the time"
"Caroline do you want me to be honest."
"Yes please. Go right ahead"
"Me and Elena hate the thought of you and Klaus. We're pissed because you're with him even though he tried to kill all of us. We understand the baby and everything but that doesn't mean you have to be with him. We want you to know just because your pregnant doesn't mean you have to be with him."
"Where did all of this come from."
"Ever since you and he became a thing."
"Bonnie I'm gonna make this very clear okay. I know I don't have to be with Klaus because I'm having his baby. I want to be with him. When I'm not I feel like I'm missing something. I truly love him and if you can't handle that I'm sorry to say this but you can go back to Mystic Falls." I spit and walk or more waddle back home.

        I walk off entirely furious.
"Everything okay," Kol asks me worried.
"Absolutely it's just my friend completely hates you guys especially Klaus. She needs to get over it because you guys are my family."
"We need to talk"

         "So we have privacy lets hear it"
"First don't be mad"
"I won't be."
"I'm gonna tell you something I've never told anybody."
"I'm here just tell me. I won't be mad."
"Before I was turned I... I was... I was a witch. My siblings had no idea. When my father killed me I lost my magic. When I was on the other side the witches gave me my powers back. But they said I would have to unlock it and that I would know. They said they would give me a gift but take something important to me away."
"Oh my god isn't this amazing. But what does this have to do with Bonnie."
"The thing is me and Bonnie have been together."
"What. I don't understand."
"Me and Bonnie have been having sex."
"Oh wow I didn't see that coming," I said with my mouth hanging open.
"The bad part is that Bonnie's ancestors came to her in a dream and told her she was blessed with my baby but if she had it she might not live through it."
"Okay, I'm going just don't tell anyone I will on my own time."
"Okay, I promise just go. I love you."
"I love you too."

          I walked into the house completely in shock.
"Wow, what's wrong with you. Did you see a ghost." Katherine says walking towards me with bourbon.
"OH MY GOD" I scream out of nowhere.
"What the hell is wrong." I turn to her and remembered my promise.
"Oh nothing," I say hurrying upstairs. I needed to tell someone so badly. But I held it in.

     I hear the front door and flash downstairs. Bonnie and Kol stand there. I rush to hug her and she hugs me back. She sobs into my chest. Somehow we made it into her room and I sat there holding her as she cried.
"Are you gonna keep it?" I ask sincerely.
"I... I... Yes. I can't get rid of it."
"I know. I could never be able to get rid of mine. Are you gonna let Kol raise it."
"I mean I'm gonna be dead and honesty Kol is a really amazing person when he wants to be."
We laugh.
"Hey you guys okay," Rebecca asks coming in the room then adds "the boys and Katherine went out."
I look at Bonnie as if asking "can I tell her.". She nods yes.
"Come sit"
"Don't freak out."
"What is it"
"Well Bonnie she's pregnant-"
"Oh my god congratulations."
I finish with"With Kols baby."
Her eyes widen incredibly huge.
I tell her everything Kol told me and made her promise not to say anything.
"This is so not fair. My brothers get a chance at kids but I don't"
We laugh a little and soon all fall asleep.

    Kols pov

    We all laugh as we walk through the front door. All of us completely drunk. That all fades when we hear absolutely nothing. Elijah and Katerina finally get off each other and become alert. Klaus flashes off I follow and we start checking rooms. I come to Bonnies and open the door. There are tissues all over the floor. In the middle of the room on the bed is Caroline with her baby bump poking out under the covers, Rebecca beside her, and Bonnie curled up beside Caroline with puffy eyes. Klaus appears behind me and smiles. I want to have that the look of complete love for someone. I wanted to have the love for the mother of my baby as much as Klaus did. Klaus walks up to the bed and picks up Caroline and brings her to their room. Elijah walks in and carries our baby sister to her room. Soon it's just me and Bonnie. I walk towards the bed and pull up the covers and lay down beside her. "Kol" she whispers.
"If I die. You can turn me into a vampire and if you can't promise me you'll take good care of the baby."
"I promise."
"Thank you," she says and cuddles up into my chest. I hesitate to hold her and for the first time in centuries. I cry.
                       Caroline pov
2 weeks later.

        Kol walks into the kitchen with Bonnie. Klaus eyes them then says,
"What's up with you two"
"That's what we came to tell you," Kol says completely nervous.
"Well, what is it Kol," Elijah says interested.
"Well, Bonnie shes....." Kol tries saying but can't.
"I'm a month and a half pregnant...... Oh yeah with Kols baby just to clarify."
Complete and utter shock filled the room.
"Congratulations," I say hugging them trying to act like I didn't know.
"We all know you knew love," Klaus says shocked still but amused be me.
"I tried,"I say smiling slightly.
"If I may ask how is this possible. Caroline was Niklaus' mate but how is she pregnant with your baby." Elijah says confused.
Kol reluctantly told his siblings his deepest secret and how this was all possible.

         I walk into Klaus' studio and sit down.
"Are you okay about Kol and everything."
"Well, I'm happy he gets to have the pressure of being a father but I feel like he's just stealing our thunder."
I laughed at him.
"So I was thinking we needed to figure out the babies name."
"How about for a girl......"

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