The Start

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Refresher of what happened at the end of Part 2 and to pin point where Part 3 begins :)



I thought being married would make him leaving for tour again a little easier, the commitment solidifying what we have and a few months just seeming like a small fragment of time in the grand scheme of the rest of our lives together, but I was wrong.

It's excruciating.

I don't want him to go, I want to scream and cry and cling to him so he can't leave but that won't do either of us any good.  This is his job and I knew that this part of it came with the territory.

We are lying on the couch, finally dragging ourselves out of bed for the first time all day purely due to the fact we needed to eat and god knows Harry's management would kill us if he started this tour not at his physical best.

3 hours, 22 minutes and then I can cry. Until then, I have to stay strong, I can't let him see this is hurting me as much as it is.

Harry is lying on top of me, shirtless and in his underwear, his skin is so warm against mine, so comforting I could fall asleep but I don't want to waste a second of time that we have left.

Our bare legs intertwine, I had pulled Harry's Pink Floyd t-shirt over my naked chest just before leaving the bedroom ignoring his whining but giving in when he warned I better not put anything more on over my white cotton briefs.

His nose brushes over mine and I sigh as I try to memorise how he smells and how the weight of his body feels on top of me.

"I'm gonna miss you so much," he mewls for the thousandth time since last night.

"Me too, baby." I respond shortly, worried if I say much more the tears are going to be unstoppable.

I play with the ring I had put on his left hand, his wedding band finding a home on his ring finger that he had always kept bare until now.

He grasps my hand and kisses my open palm, memories of our little "experiment" all that time ago rushing through my mind.

"I'm gonna miss your face next to me when I wake in the morning and your body pulled into mine at night," he smiles, a hint of sadness in his tone but his butter melting smile and dimple counteracting it to make me smile back. "and your horrible cooking."

I giggle at his cheekiness and he grins as he collapses his face into the crook of my neck.

"Gonna miss that noise," his lips suck gently on the spot on my neck that drives me crazy as he palms my breast over the soft worn fabric of the t-shirt making me moan softly.

"Mmm, and that noise," I swat his arm playfully and squeal as he flips our bodies pulling me on top.

"Tell me," he urges and I know I need to give him this, no matter how much it's killing me, he needs this.

"I'm going to miss your messy hair in the morning and the how croaky your voice sounds," I start, lying my body over his, my hands in his hair and my lips hovering over his mouth.

"and watching you lick your lips," I smirk as much as he does, and watch as his eyes sparkle trying to resist the temptation to lick them now that I've mentioned it.

"I'm going to miss the way you kiss me," I say softly before kissing his perfect pout, his lips so soft and full that I will never get enough of feeling them on mine.

"Mmm I'm going to miss that too," he hums in appreciation. "and the way you smell and the way you taste," he kisses my lips again. "And the way you feel around my..." I quickly cover his mouth with my hand stopping him tainting this romantic moment with his filth and I laugh as I see his eyes crease at the corners and feel his lips curve into a smile against my fingers.

Wish You Were Here - Part 3Where stories live. Discover now