Chapter 3

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I shouldn't be spying, but then again, maybe I should be.

Her hands are expressive as she talks and I watch as the woman I spoke to earlier tries her hardest to make good on her promise of sleeping with Harry. 

The flirting spectacle is taking place in the hallway outside of the VIP room, no doubt in her mind she is waiting for the right moment to make an excuse to go somewhere private with him, her hopes of him fucking her like he did her friend, only growing as the minutes drag on.

Harry has showered after he performed so well during his massive set and he is practically levitating from adrenaline even an hour later. I made sure he asked to keep the pink shirt when he changed into a black and white one. Despite being sure that he can clearly see this woman's intentions, he doesn't seem overly bothered by it.

She saw me entering his dressing room earlier, her confident facade dropping momentarily along with her jaw before she straightened herself up, smiled sweetly and waved at me.

I'm used to it by now, so many gorgeous women in next to no clothing, befriending me as a way to get an introduction to Harry.  Most of the time they mistake me for a hair stylist or make up artist or maybe even a publicist, but certainly not his wife.

Sometimes I humour them and make my way to him to acquaint them, watching as they very quickly dismiss me and switch from sweet to sultry in the same breath. Harry usually smirks subtly at me in understanding at my harmless teasing and he twirls his thumb around his wedding band or runs his fingers over where my name is tattooed on his chest to add to the private joke between us.

Maybe I should be offended that they wouldn't even consider the fact I could be with him let alone wear his ring. To be honest, sometimes it does hurt a little, my self confidence falling down as I acknowledge how differently I'm dressed compared to them, how much shinier their hair is or how much fitter or younger they are.

I know he loves me. I know. But I still have moments when I question how or why and watching this girl in her tiny shorts in freezing January is one of them.

I look down at my clothing and I can't help but question whether I should be wearing something different? Would these girls still disregard me? Would the temptation of these girls who are all over him and seemingly everywhere be less for him?

5 days.

Although I often jokingly introduce the girls to Harry who try and pretend to like me, this woman is different. I come across them every so often...actual threats.  He loves me but I also know him well enough to know this is just his type. Petite, blonde, super toned, like she does pilates three times a day and doesn't eat carbs, all of which happens to be the opposite of me.  The opposite of me but exactly like Kristie Simms.

Her flirting skills are at expert level and I watch him fall into every trap she lays out.  Her fingertips lightly touch his waist, she talks with her hands so when they brush him it seems like it should be normal.  It's only momentary before she moves them away quickly not allowing him a chance to remove them.

At first, I can tell it makes him uncomfortable.  He straightens his posture a little and intuitively crosses his arms in front of his chest but she doesn't falter, continuing to wave her hands around until she laughs and her fingertips briefly touch his bare forearm.

I can see her game a mile away.  Her subtle touches all trying to sub-continuously place the idea of her hands on him into his head without it being an obvious gesture and to be honest it seems to be working.  Harry doesn't flinch this time and to my surprise he laughs back.  Really, genuinely, laughs.

This girl is good.

"You're torturing that pretty little head of yours you know?"  Tyler's voice behind me makes me jump and he grins like he knows he has just caught me out.

"Honey, that man loves you, I know lots of people in his position that run around and Harry is not one of them," he says softly and I nod knowing he is completely right.  

I know he would never do that to me, and I would be able to tell if he was cheating, there would be signs, right? 

I guess it's just that things have been so off with us lately that I'm creating scenarios in my head.

"C'mon, lets go wait for him in the green room," he suggests and holds out his arm for me to loop mine through.

So much time passes while Tyler is busy cleaning up all of Harry's shit, running in and out of the room and after waiting for what feels like hours and I decide to go for a walk to get some fresh air.


Love the guesses for what 5 days is referring to!

Still warming up but you know I love the drama as much YOU love the drama.

Extra long chapter and the first Harry POV for part 3 coming up next!

I spend quite a lot of time writing this and it means so much when you support by hitting the star!!

Love Ruby


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