Chapter 11

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Liv's cheeks are so pink from embarrassment that it's making me laugh double as hard at the shit our friends are throwing at us about our wedding and relationship.

Despite how much she hates the attention, she also seems genuinely happy right now and it's only when I see her smiling and laughing that I realise how long it's been since I've seen her like this.  Honestly, I don't think she's been like this since we got back to London five months ago.

I can hear the chatter of the group around me but my eyes are on my wife.  A rush of feelings that have been dormant for so long come swirling back in a rush and suddenly, for some reason, I feel like I need to fight for her again, prove to her I can make her happy.

I need to make a change.

I can't lose her.

My mind is elsewhere as I push her newly lightened hair behind her ear, combing it through my fingers a little and I can't quite comprehend that she changed it so much and so quickly.  It's not like her at all.

The contact makes her turn her head slowly and for a brief moment our eyes connect and the room dulls.  The corners of my mouth turn up slightly as I look at her beautiful face and I feel my heart thump a little harder in my chest when she smiles gently back.  No matter how much time goes by, she still has this effect on me.

"Well, enough about them, Will has some exciting news but he's too humble to admit it, which is what you have me for, isn't it honey?" Xander says, grinning proudly at his boyfriend who is rolling his eyes in jest.

"Will has been sponsored by some fancy art institute to have a show of his own next month!" He claps his hands together and I whistle through my fingers as Will stands to take a theatrical bow.

"Thanks guys but while we're standing," he says jokingly pulling Xander up to stand, who huffs and puffs to make us laugh, always the class clown.

"We have something else we want to share," Will looks at Xander who actually seems nervous. "We haven't told you guys any of what we have been going through lately because to be honest, we didn't know if it would ever be our reality,"  he continues slowly and something makes me instinctively drape my arm around Liv's waist, my other hand finding hers in her lap.

"We know you may be surprised by this but..." He takes Xander's hand in his and I notice Liv's brow crease ever so slightly in the middle as we try and piece together their riddle.  "Yesterday, we received the news that we had been approved to become adoptive parents," Will says almost in tears and it appears Xander is in the same state.

Oh fuck.

I feel Liv's whole body stiffen and her hand in mine starts to tremble.  I'm already leaning into her to hear the guys speak so I rest my temple against hers, trying helplessly to send her strength and courage and not to let them see her upset for a completely different reason to them sharing their incredibly happy news.

"We go to Thailand to pick up our 18 month old baby girl on Friday." Xander finishes before they kiss each other and the group reacts in all different ways.

Bec gasps so loudly before squealing that I'm sure the waitress thinks something really awful is going on.  Frankie is on her feet immediately, tears in her eyes as she congratulates our friends. Nathan is up next pulling them into a hug each.

I am absolutely ecstatic for my friends, they are incredible people who will be amazing fathers but my mind is selfishly sunk into our disappointment of trying to have what they have just received. I'm pulled out of that hole seconds later when I realise my main concern is not my own feelings right now but Olivia's wellbeing.

Liv has a hand over her mouth and a tear crawls down her face as I plaster an academy award winning smile on mine, thankful once again, that media training has paid off. 

I thought she didn't care as much as I did about getting pregnant but this reaction has me doing a complete 180.

She is smiling, looking so excited for the guys on the outside, but I can tell. Only I can tell, how completely shattered she is.

I catch Xander look at me and I jump to my feet, bear hugging him and swaying him from side to side, telling him exactly how fantastic I think it is and how much I can't wait to be Uncle Harry.

I'm praying Liv is standing behind me and I sigh in relief when I break away from Xander to see her embracing Will, tears streaming down her face being mistaken for tears of joy as he shows her a photo on his phone of their new daughter.

"I know this is probably tough for you guys, sorry to announce it like that, we are just so excited," Xander mumbles quickly in my ear and I shake my head immediately, not wanting to take a second away from his moment.

"Mate, nothing about this is anything but happy," I lie and am rewarded as his grin lights up his eyes.

"Holy fuck, I'm gonna be a dad," he tells me, half excited, half terrified and although I am stoked for my best friends, those words hit straight to my aching heart like salt on an open wound.


Hope you are still rooting for H&O


Love Ruby

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