Chapter 30

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My wife's level of resilience and bravery and strength continues to surprise me the longer I know her, although I am coming to realise, after she stands up from everything that keeps knocking her down, that I really should come to expect it.

I hold onto her perfectly manicured hand in the back of the car, the emerald green, long sleeved dress hugs her body in the most heavenly way and if it weren't for the last two hours of being pulled through a million different emotions together, I am sure I would have been pawing at the fabric.

I tried everything I could think of to convince her we could stay home and skip Will's show, pleading that she at least rest while I go for an hour or two when she reminded me how important to Will it was that I turn up. But Olivia of course, being the stubborn woman she is, insisted that she wanted to come.

She looks breathtaking, a ridiculous amount of people swarmed our house and styled our clothes and hair and did a million other things to Liv that I have no fucking idea about.

She emerged from the bedroom looking like a goddess and to be honest, I nearly grovelled at her feet, knowing full well how lucky I am to have someone like her take my name and wear my ring.

I see now, how right Tyler was. The expert hair and make up is making her feel more confident about the fact there will be photographers surrounding the place tonight and judging by how incredible she looks, I double anyone would assume she had been broken and crying on the bathroom floor merely hours ago.

The reality is, there was always going to come a time when we wouldn't be able to arrive at a venue separately or not be seen at the same place together.

One of our best friends art shows is one of those times.

"So, we're just going to walk in, right? Not stopping? Are we going to hold hands?" She starts to question nervously as we get closer.

I run my thumb in comforting cycles onto the back of her hand as I lick my lips, giving me time to decide how to answer.

"Whatever you feel more comfortable with, darling." I start and we both bite the inside of our lips at the same time, causing us to smile in union at the realisation we are picking up each others habits.

"I'd prefer to hold your hand in mine because that's where it belongs," I tell her and she takes a deep breath in before screwing up her face and causing us both to burst into laughter at how cheesy that sounded.

"Ok, Romeo," she jokes and I run a ring clad hair through my hair as she continues to tease me. "Are you blushing!" She squeals attempting to pinch my cheek between her finger and thumb but I playfully swat her away.

"Alright, alright, good of you to bring me back down to earth as always, sweetheart," I chuckle, poking my tongue out and her giggle releases a thousand butterflies in my chest.

What I don't tell her is that as strong of a front that she is putting up, I can see straight through it. I know that she is defeated and exhausted, I understand that the fucking last thing she, or I for that matter, wants to do tonight is get dressed up and be social let alone be photographed for the whole world to judge us. But I know we need to get this over and done with, and tonight I need to be the silent strength she can depend on.

We quickly run through what Tyler and my publicist had told us already; there will be a couple of paparazzi out the front, do not stop for them, an official event photographer will be inside, pose if we want.

As the car pulls to the curb Liv clicks off her seat belt and smooths down her dress before taking my hand again, a silent indication that she is ready but I still feel the need to reassure her once more.

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