Chapter 32

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Olivia glares a silent warning at me to back off as she boldly takes another sip of her wine, but despite her best efforts to make small talk and laugh along with whatever story is being told, I can tell she is not fine. If I'm being honest, I absolutely, can not blame her.

She's been going through so much lately, we both have, and if she wants to spend tonight drowning her sorrows and getting drunk then she should be able to... but not here.

I need to get her home before she has too much and I have to carry her out of here and I know that pictures of that circling the internet and trashy magazines is the last thing she would want.

The noisy gallery is starting to empty out as most of the artwork is spoken for and chatter subsides as the majority start to leave. Although it is starting to quieten in here, the hum from the crowd outside indicates that it has been steadily growing since we arrived hours ago.

I glance behind me to have a look outside but I'm distracted as Liv takes a tiny step backward on her heels to steady her wobbly legs and her eyes flick to mine as if to check if I had caught her indiscretion.

Now even more concerned, I lick my lips and look back to the street, the expanding mob now a sea of people and I decide quickly to test out their interest in Olivia and whether there is any chance of getting her out of here without being photographed.

Frankie is talking about her and Mel's upcoming weekend away but I'm barely listening as I wrap my arm loosely around Liv's hips and lean in to whisper in her ear.

The moment I do there is an explosion of flashes through the window as cameras fire all at once to try and capture our private moment, perhaps skewing the angle to make it look like we are kissing and I get the exact reaction I was dreading from both the crowd and my intoxicated wife.

I hear the gasp suck past her lips as she innocently buries her face into my chest, and behind her free hand, to hide her face from the photographers and I use this moment to alert her to the reality of our shitty situation.

"Darling, don't forget we still need to walk back through them to the car, alright?" I say quickly and quietly into her ear while everyone else in the group stares, mouths gaping at the sudden commotion outside.

She looks up at me and the emotion in her eyes has my heart skipping painfully in my chest. She looks overwhelmed, helpless and a little stressed.

The simplicity of a fun night out, where she could try and forget the pain we are going though for a moment, coming to a screaming halt as she is reminded coldly that you're not allowed to, at least not without consequence, when you are in the public eye. This awful truth only more sobering when you haven't actually chosen to be in the spotlight yourself.

When will it be enough before she leaves? When will I love her enough to let her go?

"I want to go home," she murmurs and I nod, smiling softly in an effort to try and reassure her that it will be ok. Will it?

As Liv says goodbye to our friends I walk briskly toward my security and notify them of our plans to leave, explaining the slightly fragile state my wife is in and asking them to make sure they subtly carry her along if necessary to keep her out of harms way and into that car as quickly as possible.

I take a deep breath and put on an exaggerated smile and a little bit of a show as I congratulate Will on the success of the evening, bear hugging him as he whispers a quick "thank you mate," into my ear in understanding of the publicity I am trying to achieve for him.

I watch Bec fuss over her sister as she hugs her goodbye and I take the opportunity to discuss the departure options with both of them there.

"Liv, why don't I leave on my own and you go with Bec?" I try and reason, not wanting to make her more uncomfortable and I exhale an agitated laugh when she shakes her head defiantly at the same time as Bec furiously nods.

"Honey, I think that's probably a good idea," she tries to encourage but it falls on deaf ears.

"I dun'care anymore, Harry, s'fine," she grumbles, her words slow and a little slurred and I'm sure the wine flooding her veins right now is causing her new accepting attitude towards the press and fans.

I run my hand through my hair in frustration and the security gives me a firm nod indicating the car is in place and the team are ready.

Bec and I look at each other briefly and Olivia huffs at the exchange, clearly annoyed with our controlling behaviour, but she isn't thinking straight right now.

I don't really care how cranky with me she is, my thoughts completely occupied by the scene I know that is unfolding outside and how the fuck I am going to protect her from it.

I have no idea how close to the edge of her sanity she is tiptoeing around tonight and I'm seriously concerned that one more incident or issue and she will decide this is all too much. That the sacrifice is not worth the reward. Lately, it feels like there is no reward.


Sorry for the wait guys, I've been super busy at work so haven't had much time to sit down and write.

HAPPY 8th 1D anniversary!

Love Ruby 


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