Chapter 4

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I'm still buzzing from the rush of being on stage tonight.  Fuck, it was unbelievable playing in front of a crowd that size, I wanted more the moment I stepped off the stage, the addiction to the adrenaline gripping me tightly and not letting go.

My ears are ringing a little as I walk into the dark club where the afterparty is already in full swing.  I watch as heads turn towards us as Xander, some members of my band and I, walk into the small space, some tapping their friends on the shoulders to alert them to our arrival, others reaching for their camera phones. 

We are being directed to an area with lounges that is reserved for us when I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket.

MY BEST FRIEND LIV flashes across the screen and I reject the call before quickly typing her a message.

*Too loud to hear you, baby.  Is everything ok?*

*Loud? Where are you? Been waiting for you to go for ages*

Oh. Fuck.

My feet stop walking as I read the message and my heart leaps into my chest, fuck, I left her at the stadium?

I went back into my dressing room to find her before I left but only Tyler was in there packing my bag, he said he hadn't seen her in a while so I assumed she went home. 

I should have called her, she's going to fucking kill me.

*Fuck Liv, I thought you went home. I'm at the club already.  I'll send Chris back to pick you up.*  I type frantically and as soon as I hit send I'm writing a message to our driver to go back to the venue.

*Will go home. Tired.*  She responds at the same moment Xander is pulling my arm to keep me walking through the crowd.

I find a spot on a low black velvet couch and sit down while the others do the same, the chatter from people around us filling the air and a drink thrust into my hand.

5 days.

*Sorry, angel* is all I write back, knowing she would probably hate it here anyway as the area we have is not private or sectioned off and I lift my hips to shove my phone into my back pocket.

I could tell it was too much for her today, the chaos and commotion, the size of the stadium and the crowd, the amount of people around us at all times, pulling and tugging us in all directions.  It was too much for her... it's all getting too much for her.

My glass is emptied in seconds as I tilt my head back and swallow the brown spirit in one gulp.  I poke my tongue out playfully to Xander who is looking at me with concern and try and ease his mind.

"m'fine mate, big day!" I say as another glass is handed to me without me needing to order anything.

Xander holds his hands up in surrender but throws in, "Your choice, but you can deal with the shit fight in the morning on your own, mate!"

I know he's right, I know Liv is going to be worried about me drinking excessively when I roll in later tonight or when she wakes in the morning but lately, something's off between us.  I can't pin point it but I know it is, and at this moment, when I'm celebrating and out with my friends, I don't really give a fuck.

I don't understand how she can be coping with everything we are dealing with.  She's taking everything so well, so patiently, while I spend my days not able to think of anything else and the thoughts of why or how, feel like they are eating me alive.

She never talks to me about the 'situation', never lets me in, but then again, maybe there's nothing to say, she doesn't really seem that affected or upset about it.

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