Chapter 5

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I haven't slept a wink, my heavy eyes watching each minute tick forward on the clock next to the bed.


5...well...Technically, 4 days.

I want to message him or call him, find out if he is ok, but I know he has Xander there who is almost as protective as I am and wouldn't hesitate to throw him into his car and instruct his driver if things became too crazy.

'Sorry angel' his last text message said. Is he fucking kidding?

I take in a deep breath and try to settle the rage burning inside me. I can't be mad, if I get mad I will explode the second he walks into this house and that will end horribly. If I'm being honest the pain is greater than the anger anyway.

It wasn't long ago when he wouldn't leave my side, and that was before we were even together, once that happened I had to practically hold him back from pawing me at every minute of the day. These days, he's 'forgetting' I was meant to be with him.

How did we fall so far down?

Maybe it's me, it has to be.

I have to change something, I don't know what, but something, anything.

I can't lose him.

4 days.

Just as the last dismal thought crosses my mind I hear a very intoxicated Harry stumble through the front door. He curses to himself as I hear him drop his keys on the floor and he slams the door shut.

"SHHHH!!!" he hushes himself, or maybe the door, and if I wasn't so upset I probably would have laughed.

Despite the racket he has made entering the house, he tiptoes into our bedroom, his silhouette visible and he nearly falls over while he strips down to his underwear, discarding his clothes in a trail on the floor as he makes his way to the bed.

The metal from his rings clang carelessly on the bedside table before the bed dips as he climbs in. I expect him to drunkenly pull my back to him, to spoon me the way he always does... always did... but he doesn't. Instead he rolls over so his back faces me and it's not long before he is fast asleep.

I was pretty embarrassed when I had to tell Tyler that Harry had left the venue before me and I swear I saw the shock and maybe pity cross his face before he started trying to make up reasons why his boss must have gone. "He must have been in a hurry. I think there was an executive he had to meet. You know what? He did come looking for you, I should have called you for him, it's my fault."

I had smiled politely at his lies and loyalty but he knew there was no point sugar-coating it. I had cried the entire way home, Chris, our driver, pulling over at one point to get me some water and make sure I was ok.

Now as he lays beside me in our bed, he reeks of alcohol and sickly sweet smelling women's perfume. My mind is swirling with accusations but I know better than to jump to conclusions after what happened last year with Adriana.

Have I just become that naive rockstar's wife who still believes her husband is the exception to the worldwide understanding that they will all be unfaithful?

A tear falls from my eye and hits the pillow as I reach out and brush my trembling fingertips across his shoulder and bicep hoping it'll stir him and make him aware of me in the bed too. Maybe he will roll over and pull me tight, kiss the back of my neck and tell me he missed me and it was horrible without me?

My hand is bounced off his skin as he shrugs abruptly in his sleep with a grumble.

"Olivia, I promise to never stop wanting to kiss you, or touch you, or fuck you,"

His impromptu wedding vows are running through my mind along with a million other thoughts and I decide that if I stay in bed any longer I'll end up sobbing all over again and I'm already exhausted enough.

4 days.

I throw an oversized sweatshirt over my tank and pyjama shorts and attempt to watch some shitty TV on the couch before sleep finally takes over.


Short one today, sorry!

can i just say how much i LOVE the comments in the last chapter that are fiercely protective of Liv!  I think it is rare in a fanfic where the female is so loved and i really really appreciate it! 

you guys make my whole day 

Love Ruby 


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