Chapter 6

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The sun has risen when my eyes flutter open to the touch of Harry's fingers brushing my hair off my face as he kneels by the couch.

"Darling, what are you doing sleeping out here?" he asks gently but I can tell he's not sure if I spent the whole night here or if I was in the bed when he got home.

I shrug, really not trusting my voice as the pain from last night comes swirling back into consciousness.

4 days.

He sits beside me, his hand still tucking my hair behind my ear and it's obvious how tired and hungover he is.

"M'sorry about last night, Liv, I'm a fucking idiot, I swear I thought you went home but I should've called," he starts but I can't stand to hear his redundant apology.

I shake my head as I look away but I can't stop the tears building in my eyes. I curse inwardly at myself as the water wells too high and spills down my cheeks.

"Shit, I'm sorry, Liv, it won't happen aga-" he starts but I cut him off, stupidly asking what had kept me up for the majority of the last night.

"Was that girl there? The blonde who was flirting with you in the stadium?" I blurt out, not aggressively but not passively either.  I'm trying with everything that I have to keep it together, to not accuse him or let my imagination take over.

I can tell by his face he knows exactly who I'm referring to and I want to throw up when he nods his head and bites the inside corner of his lips.

"She was there. She wanted me to fuck her in a bathroom," he tells me straight knowing I am not in the mood for bullshit right now.

I close my eyes briefly as the tears fall from them and I can't stop myself from imagining them together.

I deal with this shit day after day, women offering him anything and anywhere. I thought I would get used to it but honestly, the more it happens the less tolerant I become.

"Did you do it?" I croak, barely able to get the words out. Even though I know he wouldn't have, I still need to hear it.

"No! No, Olivia! I would never do that to you," he says sincerely but he doesn't realise the fundamental mistake in his answer.

He would never do that to me, he would never break his promise.

The burden of me is too high is what he really means. It's not that he would never do that because he doesn't want to, but because he wouldn't want to hurt me.

"I would never do that," he changes his answer slightly and rests his forehead on mine as his thumbs wipe away the cascading tears from my cheeks.

"Did you want to sleep with her?" I choke out, not being able to hold myself back and I know that he can't lie to me, he's never been able to and if he does, he wears it all over his face.

His eyes fall shut for a moment and but he keeps his forehead on mine, his body weight shifting on top of me as he holds himself up on his elbows, one of his hands is in my hair and the other grips onto my shoulder like I might disappear.

"I found her attractive, but that's all.  I-I would have if I was single, but I'm not, so I would never," he whispers honestly and my stomach both sinks and flips at his confession and, as harsh as it is, I appreciate the brutal honesty.

"I would never.  Only you," he repeats a little stronger.

I breathe in sharply through my nose as he takes me by surprise, crashing his lips into mine with desperation.

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